Transmog cost removal time has come

I just spent 784 gold for a full transmog. Yes, I can afford it but spread that across my alts and it goes into thousands. I like to change their looks often so it’s somewhere above 20k per month which is ridiculous. Blizz, you need to remove the cost completely.


They removed it in MoP - and by far that’s one of my favorite aspects of MoP - playing around with the tmog


How often you change your transmog


First, I log in and I don my login transmog set, 700g. Then, I decide I want to go mog farming, so I put on my mog farming mog, 700g. After mog farming, I hearthed back to Valdrakken, but realized I looked out of place so I put on my Valdrakken vestments, 500g. After strolling to the auction house, I felt that I looked too much like a peasant. In an effort to impress the auctioneer, I put on my crystal encrusted golden armor, 800g. After some shopping, I feel ready to take on some keys. Of course, I have to put on my cool M+ set so my party doesn’t think I’m a loser, 700g. After keys, I return to my Valdrakken garments, another 500g. After being alt-tabbed for 30 minutes, I put on my murloc onesie (600g) and log off in the comfy inn bed, totaling about ~4,500 gold spent on looking my best that day. :slight_smile:


See worst thing is I don’t know if this is a joke or not based on how some people go off about it


Fashion is not a joke, Malgorok


It would be nice not highly needed or drastic but nice

as often as you enchant your weapon - very expensive, right?

See I still don’t know


Considering how they changed the human racial, no thanks.

I don’t want them to somehow make an even worse racial for void elf to compensate.

Every day we murder thousands for the clothes!


I don’t even know why there is a cost. I get it for things like armor dye or something but this is not that. it feels like it’s just archaic and out of date. definitely support removing the gold cost for transmog.


Well you got a point with that one

Supposedly it serves as a gold sink, but if they really want mog enthusiasts to have gold sinks, give us cosmetics to buy with gold. Easy


Basically a poor player tax.

Meant to work as a counter to the inevitable inflation the game suffers, but as usually it doesn’t touch those who game the AH.


It’s a strange gold sink. It doesn’t apply to everyone, and even the ones it applies to, it doesn’t apply equally. Right now, I still make the trek out to Revendreth just to use the free transmog in the Ember Court, lol.

Yep, hope it carries over with The War Within pre-patch or launch.


In Second Life I change my clothes all the time. I almost never go out in the same outfit two times in a row. Of course we don’t need a transmog in Second Life, we just drag and drop (or click and wear) what ever we want, when ever we want.

Of course I understand, WoW is different and this would be a business decision but I can understand people wanting to wear what ever they were feeling that day.

time to play void elf for you

Agreed. Remove the gold cost.

I end every night that I play WoW by making a new mog for whatever character I’m currently obsessing over. (SV Hunter btw!)

It gets expensive. This isn’t Bergdorf, it’s a video game. Lemme mog for free.