Transmog cost removal time has come

Me in the same mog since creating the character.


They actually didn’t.

Transmog cost is based on the vendor cost of gear - as every piece of gear on Remix is intended to be scrapped, it can’t be vendored and thus has no vendor price.

So it still has a transmog price, but any % of 0 is still 0.

Imagine playing second life knowing that it’s only used for one thing.

While I don’t change mog on my Dracthyr much, what’s the point? I do on other characters quite often. It’d be real nice.

Further, can we get rid of durability as well? It adds nothing to the game beyond being an annoyance.

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Which is the entire point. It’s a small gold sink. Those are necessary.

If you remove it from transmog, then that small gold sink has to move to somewhere else.

Because Remix has no gold economy.

Where you moving that gold sink to, as well?


i change mine once a month.

Any economy needs to have currency flow IN and currency flow OUT.

You cannot just keep currency flowing IN. As much as we’d like that.

Transmog and durability, while not terribly expensive, keeps some amount of currency flowing OUT that the majority of people will engage in - which also incentivizes you earning currency, even if you don’t realize it. Crafting costs, etc also move currency out. This is healthy for any economy. IRL - Your clothes wear out/get outdated, you buy new. Transmog is that, just… at the pace of an MMO.

Gold has to come out of the economy. This is one of the many ways that it does, a little at a time.

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Then this thread doesn’t concern you. If you don’t care or it doesn’t affect you then why are you in here lol

That’s like me going on the Mythic Raiding side of the forums, seeing someone ask for a Raiding QoL feature, and then proceeding to ask “does anyone really need this?”

It affects everyone when gold sinks are removed from the game.

girl bye LOL

Good to know you are capable of an intelligent conversation. Thank you for that riveting input.


My mog only gets updated when I get a new item or bored. So updates frequently, full redos rarely.

If you think this is expensive, ESO has appearances that cost upwards of 3000 gold PER PIECE to change to.

For a lot of guys I’ve run into Second Life ** IS ** only for one thing. Of course for those guys First Life is only for one thing, the same thing :slight_smile:

I’m on an RP server. The gold sink’s the AH. Everything on it is 20000+ gold anyway.

It really does need to be removed. I like to change my outfits all the time depending on what I’m doing, and where I am. Having to play 500+ over and over again each time is pretty absurd.


Only 20k a month? Man i do like 4-5k a day. DX I can easily go over 20k in mogs in a week. q.q

In other words, you don’t much understand how gold sinks work.

Then where are you moving that gold sink to?

Eyeroll. Ran into the forum intellectual, did I?

We can use gold for something else besides this. Something that has an actual impact on the game besides dress up and imaginary wear and tear.

How is this possible? It couldn’t possibly work, right? There’s this other game, you may have heard of it, Final Fantasy XIV? Yeah, no durability cost. No cost to transmog outside of changing individual items one at a time (and the item to do it is dirt cheap), and there’s a free system in game to get around the use of that item. Guess useless gold sink’s are not so important.

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Punish the gold poor to try and keep the gold affluent in check is why they charge a lot of transmog.

Give an example, or two.

You can’t reference other game’s economies you expect to work in this game’s economy for the sake of your argument. No different than the US can’t compare to Canada’s health insurance… c’mon now. The games are vastly different (or you wouldn’t compare them to try and prove your point). Might as well compare -every- point of another MMO at that point…

Gold must flow out.
Give suggestions for how that should (SHOULD) happen.
Otherwise, everyone just gets richer and richer, and base costs for… everything… will go up to.
Gold must flow out…