Transmog pricing

If MoP Remix taught me anything its how enjoyable it is to work to acquire transmog and “FREELY” switch between different looks. In retail why are we still paying ridiculous prices to transmog? I understand there needs to be gold sinks but why on transmog?


FYI, there’s been an entire discussion on it just earlier in here if you’re interested in reading about it:

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I have to wonder how often you guys are changing your mogs for this to be such a frequent topic of discussion.

1 complete mog change costs barely more than the reward from a dragon race…so it’s an inconsequential amount of gold unless you are doing it 20 or 30 times a week.

If it’s so inconsequential, then why does it supposedly exist as a gold sink at all?

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I think people are just entranced by Remix that has no economy, so no durability loss and no transmog cost.

Because there are numerous gold sinks of similar amounts that compound, for example, a full repair bill from red is almost the exact same cost.


Not very frequently at all.

Which is much less frequently than I would like to, if not for how quickly that cost would stack up.

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Multiple times a day. Per character.


The void elf racial would be nerfed significantly… What do void elves get for compensation? Able to xmog their gear themselves, without an xmog npc?

nah it should be the ability to toggle the purple effect off permanently so it never pops up/ procs

Nah it should be, their attacks have %chance to undo enemies mog.


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Says the guy whose race gets a 50% transmog discount.

Please explain to me how this toon’s race makes my comments any less correct and relevant.

I don’t get a discount on transmog. And I’m not in here complaining about the cost.

If y’all want transmog for free, figure out where that gold sink gets moved to. It has to be a continuous gold sink most people use.

Do I really have to? It seems obvious?

If transmog prices were no big deal they wouldn’t have made a 50% off transmog racial.

If mogging wasn’t fun to do often they wouldn’t have put in a 50% off transmog racial.

That there is a 50% off transmog racial says that mogging is something a lot of people like to do a lot, and that it costs too much. Otherwise the racial would be pointless and appeal to no one.

You think people race change to void elf specifically for the mog discount?! I can’t speak for everybody, but I sure didn’t.

The discount is just an added bonus that I could give or take because I don’t change mogs often…and I understand how easy it is to make gold.

Everyone has to repair gear. Not everyone transmogs. Why do we get double dipped on? Why does our gold need more sinking? And again, if it’s meant to be a gold sink why’d they give a race a 50% off?

  1. You get double-dipped because the game needs gold sinks.
  2. Gold needs sinking to reduce price inflation.
  3. There are numerous racials out there that save gold in one way or another, so mog discounts are just another variation of it.
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You never notice as a shadow priest.