Transferring a character

I am being forced to transfer my characters off of Westfall Server in Wrath Classic before the opening of the Cataclysm Classic expansion.

I have WoW Tokens that I bought with gold sitting in in my bags. It’s not letting me transfer servers because I don’t want to “redeem” them yet.

If Blizzard is going to force me to redeem 9 months worth of tokens (about $135 worth of game time) in one go just to transfer off a dead server, I’ll be quitting the game. :frowning:


Are you able to resell them? If not, then why don’t you redeem them?

Can’t resell once purchased. They likely bought them when they were cheaper (say 5k instead of the current 9.4k) as a way to save some gold but may take breaks from the game while they have other obligations and don’t want to waste the tokens. Given that these can’t be resold once purchased I see no reason why blizzard decided to exclude these from server transfers.

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You made this same thread 8 days ago and just bumped it at that.

Not that these forums are flying with activity, but this didn’t need a second thread to reiterate the existing thread.

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You will not get any attention to this issue in the general forum. If your real intention is to get it cleared up, the customer service forum is that place. No one here can help, and Blues hardly respond in here.

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