IMPORTANT - WoW Token transfer off a server that is being eliminated

I am being forced to transfer my characters off of Westfall Server in Wrath Classic before the opening of the Cataclysm Classic expansion.

I have WoW Tokens that I bought with gold sitting in in my bags. It’s not letting me transfer servers because I don’t want to “redeem” them yet.

If Blizzard is going to force me to redeem 9 months worth of tokens (about $135 worth of game time) in one go just to transfer off a dead server, I’ll be quitting the game. :frowning:


You could not transfer and just wait for them to move you to whichever random server they feel like. The choice is yours.


What reason is there to hold those tokens? You cannot re-sell them, and the only purpose they serve is to be redeemed.


I probably won’t be playing Cata Classic. Would rather hold them for the next Classic Expansion. It’s also not fair that people that DID NOT have to transfer servers get to keep their tokens.


Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. You did not need to buy a pile of tokens you weren’t going to use.


For forced transfers they maybe can bypass rules.

I know when I left a flooded server way back they ripped out rules like gold limits.

My eternal level 1 bank with a few thousand gold free transferred all of it. The gold limit rule was removed for that.

IDK how tokens work but maybe he bought them in hopes to reap profits after cata release? You don’t want to redeem? Why? I think the answer is in this response maybe?

I don’t imagine you’ll get any sympathy from Blizzard for attempting to bypass paying them for a subscription in the future. Better luck next time


Open a ticket, maybe they’ll let you transfer with them under the circumstances.

Blizzard makes more money per month from someone paying with a token than someone paying a sub. There’s no logical reason to force someone to use their tokens in this circumstance when they don’t in any other.

I’m not sure why they wouldn’t let you transfer with a token. My guess is maybe there’s a vulnerability where it loses track of your total tokens in your inventory across your account during the transfer process or something since there’s a hard cap to how many you can keep in your inventory across your account.

There’d be no other reason not to let someone transfer with a token.

They bought the tokens with gold which means they can’t do anything with them other than get a month of WoW time. Retail tokens can also be converted to bnet balance, but classic tokens are just game time.

Redeeming them offers them nothing of value on a server level, it’s just a month of game time that’s already purchased no matter where they are.

I hold onto tokens on retail because my bnet balance is capped and you can hold up to 10 tokens on top of that. It’s basically like letting you hold up to $150 of extra bnet balance (or 10 months of game time) and we’ve been able to do so for several years. No real reason not to let someone transfer with them other than some technical issue we don’t know about.


Actually, perhaps I’m wrong, but aren’t Wow Tokens BoA? Can’t you mail them to other toons?

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I think they might have been BOA at one point, but currently they’re BOP and can’t be mailed. It says they’re soulbound. I just tried to mail one to test it.

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Thanks for the info. I didn’t know all of that. I saw some people in chat in game say they were going to stock up for resale so I thought… If they did they are in the same boat as OP.

yeah but as you want to?

If the game is boring and you want to take a break, whats wrong with that?


Ticket is your best bet but I doubt action will be taken. They’d probably consider you’re shorting the future value of wow tokens or being dubious in token hoarding.
That being said, it’s your money, you should be able to move them around as you like.

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Just posting this here since a lot of people don’t understand tokens:

Q: Can I resell a WoW Token after I’ve purchased it for gold?
A: No, each WoW Token can only be sold once. After you purchase a Token for gold, it becomes Soulbound. At that point, it can only be redeemed for game time or Balance.

There is nothing shady you can do by holding a token. On classic it is 1 month of game time and nothing more no matter where it moves to. You can’t do anything with it except redeem it. You can’t re-sell it for gold later on.


Youve never been able to transfer with wow tokens in your bags. Ive tried it. See if you can get a refund. Blizz probably wont give you one so ask your bank.


I’d put in a ticket or ask in the CS Forum… I’d say you are not alone in this, so maybe they have a way to move it for you.

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if its a char you dont play anyway I would just keep the char to automatically xfer later on.

If not then I dont know.

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Semi related, my “mat storage char” isn’t able to transfer. It says he has active auctions. I don’t think I’ve ever put an auction on that char, certainly not in the last 6 months…very bizarre

You’ll 100% be playing cata classic. Im certain of this.

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