Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

I opened up a ticket a bit after Sunwell came out. My guild moved to Mankrik and I moved my main but waited to move my alts because it was when Blizz was weekly adding more servers to the free transfer list. Needless to say, instead of offering free transfers, they locked the server before I could move any more characters. Anyway, I put in 3 tickets at that time. The first two were obvious robo responses and the third was actually a person who told me customer service had no jurisdiction over transfers and I’d have to wait until developers re-opened servers.


I wonder why Pagle is still on lock down. I haven’t seen a single queue timer sense the second week of launch, also im tired of not being able to bring other toons to the server sense im already here how is me having another toon going to over pop the server
 im already here not like i can have both loaded at the same time :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:


For the love of god just merge Angerforge. The real is long dead just do that if you guys wont do anything with it.

Beuller? Crazy that this is still an issue several weeks later. Why can’t we transfer our alts to a server we already play on if we can boost a character there?


At least let us transfer our characters from other realms onto the locked realms we already play on. Like we can create multiple new characters, but can’t bring our characters from other servers. How does this make sense.


Have had several friends quit now due to not being able to create characters on sulfuras.

Well played blizzard. You continue to be a colossal embarrassment of a company.


Your example is what scares me about the actions that the company has made “for the community”. Players are unsubscribing and slowly but surely diminishing the appeal of playing this game that I have loved for many years.


Anyone care to explain why I cannot transfer my character from a dead server to the server I am on everyday? Its not going to change how many people are on the server its just going to be me on an alt.


Blizzard client support sucks.


Where can we free transfer to if we have a character on Herod classic era still?

For the love of god please let us transfer our characters to the servers we play on. Faerlina hasn’t had a queue in weeks. Let me move my characters from grobbulus to faerlina. Even if a queue comes back, it’s not like I would take up more than one spot just from having all my characters on the realm I play on! It makes sense to keep realms locked to exclude transfers from players who don’t have level 80s on the mega servers, but the logic doesn’t hold up for players who are already playing on the mega servers anyways. Let us consolidate our characters!


Please merge Angerforge to skyfury with the love of god. Stop being so greedy blizzard the realm is already dead.

hit em with a chargeback if they dont lissen

Might as well report this to the BBB and start passing it around to prominent content creators on Twitch and Youtube. The only way Blizzard will care is if it’s bad PR at this point, because it’s clear they do not care about the community or people that pay the bills lol.

I thought a month of no queues would be reasonable to free up transfers, however it seems as though WOTLK is dead until DF is released, so maybe January something will change. In the mean time, share this forum post with streamers!


Make servers all cross realm for instanced content. Then most people would be fine being on another server :slight_smile:


That would mean Blizzard doing any work on classic and there’s just no way. They’re busy with Dragonflight and they have like what 2 people looking over classic?

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Can we please unlock transfers to Faerlina again, at least for people who arleady have max level characters there?!


open free transfers to skyfury from angerforge or merge the two this is BS that how dead yall made angerforge for giving free transfers off of it

When will transfer restrictions be unlocked?? I transferred to Pagle before locks went in and I wasn’t able to get all of my alts transferred beforehand. P2 is about to release and it would be nice to be able to get some of my profession alts over to my main server. Any information would be convenient I haven’t been able to find a single thread about when they might be lifted.

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Have a buddy who boosted but the realm got changed on them and now their stuck and blizz hasnt even responed to them about any way to correct it

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