Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

All but the 3 Mega are dead, so yes you are.

i 100% agree i keep tickets posted about this. want to be able to play with friends again but not intrested on being on a dead server

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I am one of the exact people that Eylona is talking about. If I had known that I wouldn’t be able to play with my friends on Sulfuras unless I already made a character there I would have done so months ago. I was busy with IRL and when I finally have time to play I go to make a character on Sulfuras and get told it’s locked.

I’m a core component for my friend group. We raid, and I’m a healer for the group and also a high rated PvPer. This isn’t to brag about me but more or less to say that not only am I missing out on playing with them; which completely sucks might I add. I get to sit on the side lines and watch them clear raids and have fun without me. And vice versa they get to experience all of this in a diluted form because they keep having to pug healers to fill their raids. This is just kind of silly guys.

You’d make a killing from server transfers. You’d make a killing from people resubbing because they’re finally able to play with friends. You’d make a killing from the characters boosts that are soon to come as soon as servers unlock so that people can start at a higher level and get with their friends faster. If a handful of people are complaining about MANAGEABLE queues, it’s certainly better than hundreds of the vocal minority and probably several hundreds or close to thousands of silent minority being screwed over due to this.


I’m in the exact same boat. If I’d know I just needed to park a level 1 on Sulfurus a few months ago I would have, but I was busy and who would have foreseen a lock for such a long time?

I only kept playing the game during the drought between SL and DF only because of Wrath Classic with the intention of rejoining old friends, and now I can’t. If server transfers don’t unlock soon, I’ll likely unsub.

Blizzard, I’m literally willing to give you EVEN MORE of my hard earned money so that I can play with my old friends, please unlock the servers and take it.


Hello, I already have characters on Benediction, which is the only server I currently play on, and I’d like to transfer my other toons who currently aren’t on it. This does not affect overall concurrent players on Bene since it’s on the same account. Thanks!

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Well, this is interesting.

My friend, who is brand new to Wrath Classic and has no characters on any server, was able to make a brand new level 1 on Whitemane yesterday, which is apparently “full”.

Yet, my level 70 warlock that is stuck on Eranikus (who was forced to go there because her old server got smushed into Sulfuras without my knowledge, which had a 10+ hour queue on launch day) can’t be transferred over to Whitemane where I already have one level 70, a level 65, and a level 50, because when I try to pay for a character transfer to Whitemane, I’m left with the errors of “this server is not open to transfers at this time”. Why? Because it’s full enough to let new players join apparently but not full enough to transfer an alt.

Please explain this logic. This doesn’t make sense. Open the transfers to Whitemane, because the fact that a brand new person can create a character there, but a person who is established on the server with several alts can’t bring over just one more alt makes no sense, when it’s still a singular person playing those alts, compared to a new person adding to the overall population.

I’ve been waiting since launch for this to open and at this point, I’m thinking of just biting the bullet and re-levelling from scratch and abandoning my Warlock that I’ve been playing since vanilla classic.


That was the response and recommendation I was given by blizz customer support, was to just level a new character on the server I would want to transfer my paladin to in which I already have 80’s on. How does that help with server capacity you ask? It doesn’t, it just adds to the inconvenience factor. At this point if the official recommendation is “Either wait or just level a new character” its definitely not about server capabilities, its that someone is not willing to make a decision to open up the transfers.


For anyone that’s just wanting to create a new character on a locked server -

Create a Character on SOM server Swamp of Sarrows
Then Transfer that Character to SOM server Jom Gabbar
Then you can transfer that character from Jom Gabbar to any locked Wrath server.

Pretty scuffed but works.


There simply shouldn’t be a restriction if you already play there on a different character, you can’t play both simultaneously plus they freely allow you to boost a new character… Extremely inconsistent logically


I like how this whole thread is just us begging blizzard to give them money to move files around


Please unlock Faerlina for alts of folks with existing characters. WOTLK is so alt friendly, and a blast to play, but there’s no way I’m leveling from 1 again. Please allow those of us who already have Faerlina characters to transfer. Even just opening for a week or something would be nice. I hate having to tell my guild ‘sorry, I can’t help, my alts are stuck on the old server and I’m saved for the week.’ Kills my motivation to pay for the sub when I can’t do more than raid 3 hours a week with my friends. Thank you.


I’ve never seen a company so adamant to turn down easy money.


It’s a shame that this is their response. It looks like they’re slowly opening some servers, but others are ignored. I guess I need to invest another 100 or however many hours it is, again, to play my main class. Goodbye my warlock’s mounts, gear, achievements, and money. ):


100% agree with this. No logic to be found. No customer service to be found.


This is insane, The fact that server transfers are still closed on so many servers that have dwindling populations is leading to an exodus of players that just want to transfer to a server they already have other character’s on, or a server where their friends are playing on. Blizzard would literally be making money charging people for character transfers while also increasing subscription retention rates, but instead they leave server transfers closed and make no effort to listen to the community’s concerns. Trying to voice your concerns to Blizzard about this issue is like yelling at a brick wall, your concerns are not making it to anyone that matters ultimately. Reading through the forums it seems many are in the same boat, if they don’t open up server transfer soon, why continue playing the game and paying for the subscription. If only someone could make Blizzard realize how much money they are missing out on, then maybe they would go ahead and open up server transfers, but at this point, it seems Blizzard will just continue to do the opposite of whatever the community is rallying for.


Here for my annual please let me Xfer my alts to my main server plea. Anyone awake at Blizz?


Open up transfers to Manrik already!

Windseeker keeps losing Horde and is now an alliance server. It’s dead. This character became a forgotten alt I can’t play because i can’t transfer to a decent server.


Has anyone been able to contact anyone from Blizzard? It seems like not matter what you do, you cant actually talk to a real person…

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My guess is that they will wait until the DF release date, to make the numbers look a lot higher than what they really are. My subs up soon and won’t renew until servers are unlocked. They will get my sub + 60-80$ so… guess that make sense, seeing as I won’t buy the DF expac. My friends that usually buy every expac will be skipping too.

Blizzard doesn’t care about us and our complains. They know the DF hype is higher than us. Their respect to us depends on moments and convenience.

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