Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Blizzard currently allows Grob players to transfer to Old Blanchy (Normal) and Eranikus (PvP), but there is no option for those of us that would like to remain on an RP realm. Would it be possible to open transfers from Grob to Bloodsail Buccaneers (Normal RP)? Bloodsail is the only other RP realm.


Can we get free transfers back open for grobulous to sulfuras. My friends transfered to sulfuras and I was a little late on the bandwagon.

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aka screw over eranikus. Like instead of waiting for eranikus to fill up then open up sulfuras again you screw over eranikus players. True blizzard fashion. I fully expect xfer’s if eranikus flops from this stupid decision.

Why didn’t you do this with the servers to begin with?!! Waiting on when Blizzard takes accountability for this situation. Then unloading it on the players to fix.

Honestly, I might be interested in a free transfer, but I wouldn’t want to transfer to one of the available destination servers…
It would be great if you could open up transfers from any Locked realm, to any Low/Med population realm. If that were the case I would definitely take advantage of it, but as it stands now I’d actually prefer to wait 2-3 months until the population naturally dies down.

Another glaring issue that I just noticed while looking at the realm options is the lack of realm diversity, especially for RP realms. If you wanted to be on an RP or RPPVP realm, there is literally only one choice… There isn’t even any RP realm for the Oceanic region.

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they kinda created this issue by allowing the realm transfers to make these mega realms who knows how much money they made and created this mess they should of blocked them alot earlier. now they want us to go back to smaller realms until they die then they get another boat load of cash. You want to hurt them where it counts cancel your subs now show them our resolve

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Faction change would motivate me to move from Bene to Eranikus. It’s so very hard to leave a character behind.


Seconded, it is very frustrating that there is not a new roleplay server option. This seems like a fine opportunity to give roleplayers a destination to congregate in, if they wish to transfer.


add earthfury to FCM or add the ability to xfer toons from dead realms with our mega realm toons. being able to bring our dead alts with our mega sever chars would be a nice addition

You should also be very open about plans if these new severs fail. Many of the mega sever players have xfered off too many dying severs and dont want to pay 25$ per toon. hence the hesitation to go.


I used to play on Bigglesworth. I had transferred my main to Whitemane but left a couple of characters behind. Then they got transferred to Sulfuras. Now, I’m wanting to transfer my 60 hunter from Sulfuras to Whitemane where I play now. Guess I can no longer do that? So that character is literally useless to me, all the hours I’ve invested into him are effectively gone. I will never play on the server he is currently on as all my other raiding toons are on Whitemane. That’s cool. Thanks for screwing me over Blizzard. It’s been 17 years, when will I learn?

The shops not even working to do the transfer lmfao.

Eranikus shows “locked” as of today (9/10)

When you stop accepting transfers as a viable option

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Prosper? Lol.

Yes… trying but it’s broken :frowning:

Since Skyfury is experiencing the same problems as the mega servers. (and i no longer expect it to drop off like we thought because if the Q is this bad then people are there to stay).

I suggest you offer transfers from Skyfury to Maladath at least. to help both servers balance out. Skyfury needs a relief valve and i understand you dont want to mess with the new servers maybe this is a good way to do it?


character migration isn’t working in the shop… no easy way to get ahold of anyone for support. Can’t move the toon, can’t log into the toon. When I do, the cities are over run with zombies lmao.

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I am flabbergasted lol

Thank you very much for going forth and populating this new realm!

Maybe fix your damn shop so I can?