Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

not my scenario as i work from home, but if someone has a 9-5 and gets home to have a 3/4 hour queue for a game they pay for and therefore essentially can’t play anymore without restarting it’s fair for them to complain.

also try everything? there one solution is a FCT to a new realm were theres no idea about the faction balance or realm’s true health?
put a group of monkeys in a room and they could finally come up with a solution like this. People are asking for better and should expect better than the same solution theyve tried using that never solves the whole problem


so you want them to spend even more money? my god ur just selfish

Will anything be done to prevent PAID transfers from Grobbulus / Faerlina Horde players once the dust settles and they see updated data showing a horde favored realm with little to no queue?

I and many others are concerned with Sulfuras going the way that so many classic PvP servers have gone in the past: A massive influx of paid xfers, predominately to one faction, which leads to the slow death of the other. I’ve personally seen it twice already and it’s just bad practice on blizzards part.

Blizz would be wise to limit xfers from realms experiencing queues to ONLY newly created realms such as Eranikus, not paid xfers after the fact because they cant play on the mega servers.

If paid transfers are allowed to these two recently created realms, Sulfuras in particular, it’s going to un-do the good the option has done for the realm so far. 2 weeks ago it was a dust bowl, now there’s an active community on both sides. It’s horde favored, but not so bad that alliance are doomed. Allowing more horde from Faerlina / Grobb would destroy this.

This is your chance to fix server balance. People WILL move when they can’t play 3 days, a week, maybe a couple into wrath launch depending on how bad queues spike. Make them move to fresh realms.

Don’t even give people the option to pay to play on a server that’s favored to their faction because THEY WILL CHOOSE THAT OPTION.

Its human nature. Take control this time.

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yea nothing is ever good enough they try people still whine NIOTHING WILL EVER MAKE YOU CLOWNS HAPPY

lol it doesnt even effect me, im est on a cst realm and work from home. i can sit logged in all day and play if i want and often do. I’m saying it’s fair for others to complain they cant play a game they pay monthly for. How is that hard to understand their side?

There is a slight problem… if you have mail… you cant transfer any character. Stick it where the sun dont shine.

LOL get baited sulf transfers. Enjoy the $25 xfer back to a popular server. Their incompetence knows no bounds holy moly

You should bow out of this topic, you’re just muddying the water for cheap troll laughs at this point and it’s disgusting to read.

they also have the laziest implementation of the xfers, if they controlled for faction a bit then maybe? but they never have and never do so the realm is going to be screwed soon by a faction inbalance for sure. which leads to them being mad again for being in a terrible spot

also gold makes the game go round these days. Why not also let them remove the gold cap on an xfer? People right now would have to toss away all the gold they earned for no good reason

See how you’re warning people about a change? That is the correct thing to do. Can you now go back in time and warn us that many servers will be locked for transfers. That way people wont be separated from their guilds, friends, spouses etc…

I feel like this isn’t a popular problem/opinion but there were a bunch people throughout this thread in a similar situation to mine and here it is anyways…My situation is most of my guild moved to a high pop server and I hadn’t just yet. Transfers closed without notice. Who knows when queues will die down and I can transfer to the server with my friends and guild I raided all of TBC with. I’m fairly worried about losing my raid spot and then I’m just F’ed… I of course don’t want to play on a different server than everyone I know. I also can’t farm any more gold in preparation for WotLK because of the gold transfer limit (assuming I can even transfer in a reasonable time). This decision has literally given me no reason to log in and play the game and it feels bad. So ya I’m arguing for transfer to a high pop server but some people like me have no choice but to do so. I know there’s technical issues with capacity and whatever on their end but it still does not sit right as a consumer. I don’t know what they need to (have to) do to fix this but they need to figure it out.


and people need to realize they are taking steps to TRY to help queues but if people are refusiong to take said steps given i dont feel sorry for them but fpr god sake be glad tyhey are trying they could just say screw you enjoy your queue but they are locking servers and opening a beand new one to try to help ( more money they have to spend mind you) and yet people are STILL whining

ROFLMFAO… you have nothing else better to do then comment on every ones post? I hope blizz is paying you for being a browneye troll… or is that free? I’m guessin free!!


The appeal is to be on a server without a ruined economy, being overrun by bots, GDKP’s dominating, etc etc.

Eranikus serves this purpose for the most part. Being a fresh server, it can shape up in any way the player base allows.

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Yes, you’ve told people they’re whining 50 times in this thread.

The message is understood. Bow out.

here is a new server and oh here’s some free xfers but we also kinda muddied the waters to older realms and now here’s a new one and oh we just locked xfers to the high pop out of nowhere splitting some guilds in half.
how low are your standards for solutions? do you ever look at a problem from a different angle? it doesn’t seem they ever have or do and why people are mad…imagine…

Imagine not doing this before pre-patch.


They already started above you can not pay to transfer there. You also can’t create a character there because character creation is locked, and you can’t transfer there from any other server outside of Benediction and Faerlina, transferring from those 2 servers are the only way to gain access to Eranikus as of right now.

pagle never has queues even if it did and i had the choice to go elsewhere i would its not hard to taske whats being handed out

Saying that “There’s no technology solution to this. There is no hardware solution to this.” Is the biggest lie I have ever heard from Blizzard. Why don’t you actually figure it out instead of slapping duct tape to the situation. This is a great opportunity for the company to overcome a problem and be able to find a solution to the situation. Make the game better. Its not the players fault for over capping the servers. Its Blizzards responsiblity to never let it happen in the first place. But you would rather let people spend $25 per transfer first. Then say there is a problem. Seems very greedy. What happen to the integrity that the company once had? There’s a running joke that the community shares with one another and its becoming more apparent. “Blizzard is a small indie company”


your asking them to spend more money more money why dont you take the hand out instead of asking thrm to blow more money they already opened a new server IE more upkeep for them your the greedy one here pal