Transfer residual memories

what happened to being able to transfer residual memories?? tried today and the button that allows us to transfer it is gone


glad to see I’m not the only one experiencing this


i did it just an hour ago, not sure whats up.

edit— interesting i changed toons and im not seeing the transfer button now


You have to have at least 1 of the currency you are trying to transfer on the toon you are transferring to.

you cannot just transfer willy nilly from any source to any destination.

Also there has been some serious bugs with transfer. they may have disabled it. For example. I have lost 26k timewarp badges I have been saving for timewalking mounts. I have a ticket it but they have no eta on the fix so far.

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I have the currency, the transfer button is just gone now


i do have the currency on the alt im trying to transfer, it could be an addon issue.

Because im not seeing the transfer button anywhere

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Ive not seen a post on the us forums, but this is on the eu forums.
Dont know if the same applies here or not


Transfers have been temporarily locked, per blue post in bug forums.

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Known issue, at least in EU. Warband currency transfer is temporarily disabled.

Im just going to blame Chromie, …again

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Yeah same here for me even on things like the supplies others have stated it disabled right at this moment…

You need to have some. For some reason when you are at zero the currency gets removed from the list.

Would it be so hard for blizz to post this on the launcher… jfc


Its broken currently. There is a post in the bug report forum, they are working on it.Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14


This post is very appreciated. Thank you, I was so confused.


Just noticed this. What a pain in the dooker.


Thank you for posting that.

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Thank you, for sharing this.

They seem to be tweaking the d@mned thing on the sly. I was actually able to transfer funds yesterday, but not today. So I was going to toons with a bunch of money, this afternoon,buying the particular item that another toon needed, and putting the item in the warband bank, so the first toon could later retrieve it. And then, I suddenly couldn’t do that either. Started getting an error message about not being able to put refundable anything in a warband bank.
It’s like they’ve gone and made the gear/armor from this pre-patch event fall into the same two categories that the dream-related gear did in DF. The stuff that you get that just drops doesn’t have any preconceived limitations on it–mail it, whatever. But the stuff you buy, you now have to wait out the “refundable” time limits, and if you’re mailing it, you have to essentially convert it into something no longer refundable. It’s irritating as aitch, because I can’t mail things cross-faction.

/10 char

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