Transfer character not working

I bought the three pack of transfers in order to move characters to another subscription on my account. I click the character, then choose the account, and click accept. After about 10 seconds the character window refreshes, then nothing happens. I still have three transfers. I’ve tried restarting, reinstalling, etc. Nothing.

I saw that also. I was hoping the transfer went thru but I saw no indication that it was happening. The token just says it is on cooldown. I have been waiting for more then a week to get this done.

We have a few issues going on with character transfers right now. Listed here.

It sounds like the character may have something preventing it from transferring, and the error message you are supposed to get, isn’t displaying.

Check your characters for Heirlooms, Mail, active Auctions, and caged pets.

If you can tell me which character you are attempting to transfer I might be able to take a look if you can’t immediately figure out what may be causing the issue.

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What’s worse is that it said they cost $46.50AUD, yet I got charged $67AUD

I am trying to transfer my Mage - Tungdill from Ghostlands to Wyrmrest Accord. I have no mail, active auctions, heirlooms equipped (I am ilvl 228) level 60. One other thing. I did manage to transfer this character from my WoW1 account to my WoW2 account using a token but that was 6 days ago. Also my Avatar says the name is Amamage but that was the name on my WoW1 account. When I transferred to the WoW2 acccount it said that name was not available so I changed it to Tungdill.


Same. I’ve scoured my entire characters for “bad items”, auctions etc. It still doesn’t work.

Are you sure that was just for the bundle? You have the Transfer bundle which I see listed as $46.50AUD and a monthly subscription which is $19.95AUD.

Then you may be falling into one of the other categories.

Yes, Amamage, I believe you are aware of the issues with transferring to an RP realm are you not? Didn’t Kalviery reply to the new thread you created today?


Is it possible to scour them for me? The characters are Heallionaire-Frostmourne and Kristarina-Frostmourne

Sorry, Minfilia, it doesn’t look like you have any pets, or anything blocking the transfer. It does appear you used Paypal for this purchase so it’s possible that the purchase is still processing. That can happen with that method of payment.

It might just need a bit more time.


I am aware that there are issues. I am trying to transfer Tungdill to Wyrmrest Accord, my old RP realm. I just reconnected with my old guild there…Vulpera United and my old guild leader asked me to transfer my Dwarf over there.

End of March I will be buying a faction change to start the process of getting this Dwarf back to his original Vulpera Race.

Kalviery did reply to my post this morning and I have been quiet since then. I am just waiting. No point in beating a dead horse. LOL

I am sorry if I offended any one there at Blizzard.

Are you sure? I use VISA-debit which is transferred pretty much instantly.

Through Paypal of course.

Do you mean you have your Visa attached to the Paypal? The method of payment I see listed for the Transfer Token bundle is Paypal.

In either case, those sometimes take some time to process, even if they visually show up on your account immediately.

I am not saying that is absolutely the issue. It’s just a possibility, so I wanted to make a note that you might want to try a little while later to see if your transfer will go through properly.

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I shall be patient in this case. Never had it happen before.
I’ve tried making my characters naked, and banking everything. Even sending myself dummy mail then deleting it to “flush” the system. Still not working. :frowning:

No offense taken, I totally understand the frustration.

I did just update the transfer issues sticky. If you have a character you were trying to transfer to an RP realm and couldn’t before, please give it another try.


Is it possible to move them from your end, then deduct two tokens?

Just for clarification. The system looks at all of your inventory, not just what is on your character, but also what is in their bank. So if you had a pet or an heirloom preventing the transfer, moving it to the bank wouldn’t help.

The mail system also can’t be “flushed”, any mail that might be preventing a transfer wouldn’t be cleared out by sending more. :smiley:

Hopefully, this is just taking a bit of time to process and will clear up soon. If not, know that our teams are looking into the various reported issues still.


No. If it doesn’t work for you, it usually doesn’t work for us either.

That’s unfortunate indeed. I guess I will do other things then post an update in a few hours.

I just checked and it says the character is on cooldown and the realm he was on is greyed out.

I have hope.

Tried it again after doing some dungeons. One of my characters has an icon next to it. Other didn’t work.

edit: now two tokens have been “used” but only one of my characters says processing