Transfer Aborted: Instance is Full

Is anyone else getting this message when trying to enter a timewalking dungeon?

I tried queuing on three different alts and none of them could enter any dungeons.

May be related to the other issue at the moment, Kashir.


This happens when some members of the party were bugged when looting the boss, while the rest of the party re-enters the queue. The bugged players are not in the party but they are still in the instance making it full.

Other Issue? I looked this up for clarity, and I am not really feeling like there is clarity.

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Yes, the current ongoing server issues. Updates will likely be provided in the merged thread here:


Happening to me for 3 out of the last 5 TW dungeons I’ve tried doing.

Unable to do any time walking dungeons and loot any boss mobs killed. It does not allow me to loot. Then it will also disconnect me and leave me logged in to the dungeon. Also it will not allow me to successfully join an instance as well, saying the the time walking dungeon is full when it is not.

The time walking service is completely down and ridden with game stopping errors.

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