Cant log onto character after DC

Did a delve got lagged out now everytime try and log onto character says character with that name already exists extremely frustrating have tried restarting wow and computer still wont let me log this toon back in how to fix this??


Usually staying logged off the affected character for about 30 minutes will encourage the server to move them to a location more accessible or recognize that you’re no longer logged in.

If that doesn’t work you can try the stuck character service, but it has an 8-hour cooldown.


I had this same problem a moment ago but it was when I tried to do a world soul memory.

Staying logged out 10-20 min is usually the cure for this.

Name exists means the character is still standing in the world.

Sometimes logging into another character on the same realm MIGHT force the first one offline, but isn’t guaranteed.


Same thing just happened in our dungeon group. One person seemed to be offline then I seemed to be in instance but no spells would work. Had to close game, restart and got the name in use error message


This is a pretty rampant issue right now, affecting numerous people and groups in instanced content (usually after killing a boss). My mage had it happen after killing Tarragrue in LFR Sanctum of Domination.


This happened to me an another friend interacting with the crests from the vault tokens. Happened to at least 3 other people currently in our discord.

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Yes, rampant seems to be right.
I’ve had it happen three times in the last 1hr.
Bug report forum filling up with reports.
In game chat also indicating issues with this.


This is happening on all characters trying to queue in Timewalking. Even after turning in the timewalking weekly item, I didn’t recieve any timewalking tokens and my character is frozen. Cant logout, cant chat, nothing.

Lots of other players reporting this issue.

I’m asking.

Servers can sometimes get into a state they don’t want to release characters.

Note: If your character leaves the world by any means other than logging - usually force quitting or a game crash this is actually normal - but it should recover.


People have had this happen crafting, delves, TW, and interacting with vendors. It starts by not being able to interact with things, bags, NPCs, etc. Game menus no longer work to try and logout, neither do the console commands /logout or /exit.

‘Stuck’ IS NOT the problem.

The problem is the game is constantly ‘disconnecting’ players as in they cannot interact with the game outside of some chat functions, and attempts to log out (or exit an instance) fail and require force closing the application.

On relogging, the character will get the ‘name exists’ message - and while the stuck feature may work to clear that charcter - the GAME may just ‘disconnect’ them again.

For me it’s happened twice in the past hour, both times in instances, both time right after looting, both times multiple players experienced the same issue (cannot interact with game, though can use chat), and both times had to force close application and got ‘name exists’ when trying to relog.


By stuck - I mean the name exists thing.

A character disconnected should auto log within a few minutes on their own. If the disconnected character is ‘stuck’ online, that is normally the issue - but I’m asking.


Thanks for your help.

I am not able to click skills
I am not able to loot items
I am not able to relog my characters once disconnected.
something is messed up and many others reporting same problems!!


There’s definitely something going on, was in a raid group and we all had this problem at the same time. had to wait 10-20 min, but then we killed one boss, couldn’t loot the personal loot from it, and then most of the group had the same issue again of not being able to do anything but move and chat. The game will either d/c us making the character stuck, or we have to force quit game doing the same thing.
Something might have happened to servers after maintenance?


The issue is much deeper than characters getting stuck being logged in. You cannot interact with items or cast abilities after attempting to loot the first boss. Also in the open world, if you attempt to loot a rare, you get the same issue. The only way to exit game is to force quit, then you get the message that there is already an existing character when you try to log into the same character. I have seen where people are having problems with PvP content and getting their rewards.


Those are all classic symptoms of a server desync, Dollywood, although I’m not sure what’s up yet - not heard back.


same thing, my character got stuck in a dungeon where i couldn’t use any abilities, interact with any NPCs or log out. Chat server still worked so i could communicate with the group. They were all experiencing the same issue.

I Alt-F4 out of the game, and now can’t log back in as it says Name already exist. I tried to log into another character, which works fine, but it didn’t release the original one.

Seems like a pretty wide spread issue right now. Also stuck character service is not working or responding either.

This appears to be happening cross realm.

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