Trans Lives Matter!

THe only person here making LGBTQ+ pride look like a meme is you and your multitude of alts making threads trying to make LGBTA+ players look like a bunch of needy whiners.




Does such a thing exist? Sorry i have never heard of this before, kind of curious.

Why are they bringing this stuff into wow…


By these inclusion creeps. Dispite apparently most Latino people finding the x addition incredibly stupid and redundant. Just people with a superiority complex speaking and pushing their ideology onto other ethnic groups to show how “tolerant” they are by forcing them to be what this generation labels them.

Look at the brands. We removed the land o lakes Indian but kept the land, we removed aunt Jemima yet quaker oat and Mr clean stay. That doesn’t seem suspicious to anyone that companies are erasing or removing minorities on brands for “inclusion and diversity”?

It’s a lie.

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There is a whole LGBT thread… I get it you are probably an alt of one of the MANY :troll:s that won’t respond and just start a thread because they don’t actually care about the position they’re pushing… and wanna see the world burn.


So much fact in your post to him, sadly he’s too dense to understand if he’s sincere, but honestly I think he’s completely self aware and does it intentionally. He changed toons and basically same name to evade most who already placed him on ignore to begin with.

Both the T twins just spout off the same faux tolerance fake diversity speal purely to make those they claim to stand for to look like needy self absorbed narcissist.

Remember people the groups and most in the LGBTQ are nice people,. It’s the squeaky wheels that make the most noise with their incessant insecurities plastered everywhere trying to force their views onto everyone else that stand alone by themselves and should rightfully be shunned ignored and not given the time of day.

They are radicals with no desire for individuals or true diversity or inclusivity. They desire group thought as any differing of opinion sets them to attack mode with the usual calling of bigot or phobe. Radicals of an ideology that demands tolerance with an iron fist and who’s entire identity is a shallow puddle where they can’t be more complex then their gender or sexuality of “questioning”. That’s not a gender that’s called confusion.

The entire point of their doctrine is to sow confusion and to muddle the waters. They try to teach kids to learn about drag for example. A kid does not need to know about that. A kid naturally is disturbed and mistrusting of a man dressed like a woman, that is natural. Trying to change that is grooming.

Ugh I’ve gone on a bit of a rant. But as a gay man the people like the T twins and the hyper radical types that fill media with this crap are beginning to enrage me as they paint the LGBTQ in such a bad light it’s only going to cause whiplash and bite us in the butt. It’s painting a target upon it.


Tell me you don’t understand BLM, without telling me you don’t understand BLM.

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Whatever the far left activists/ideologues and the alphabet mafia touch, they ruin.
That is why when i saw them here, and changes were already being made, I said " bye bye ".
17 years was a good run though.


Bye. One less negative person in my game.

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You misspelled ’ normal '.


I love threads like this because they are 100% nothing more than low-effort bait posts that could be easily shut down by just ignoring them since… well, you know, since trolls thrive on attention.

But then you have these raging bigots who can’t keep their feelings suppressed so they bite and essentially out themselves, validating literally every troll bait post that has ever existed on the forums.


I don’t think we should have a trans flag tabard because I don’t think we should have any non-WoW flags in the game at all.


You’re still here?

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Thats a you problem, because there are whole websites, forums, and irl clubs, who use alternative lifestyles in their titles and descriptions, for instance ALT dot com. just because you are unaware or have no knowledge of it… common words in my irl circle can’t be used here,… and it’s not playing make believe slap and tickle in a fantasy game on moon-guard.
And I’m going to ignore the righty tighty comment, as ignorant childish name calling, because you’re assuming. I’ve seen you post before, you get off on posting as pompous and arrogant with a sense of superiority to other anonymous people online, it’s obvious, without me saying it, who you think you are. Moving on…

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Don’t mind me I’m just timing this to see how long a lock will take.

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Honestly so what if it is. The LGBTQ community has had to deal with other lifestyles being shoved down our throats since childhood as well.


:person_facepalming: Face Palm! :man_facepalming:

I’m surprised it’s still up

Not interested in your attempts to slander my character. I’ve done nothing wrong, you just label anyone you don’t agree with a troll or an alt. Not interested!