Trans Lives Matter!

As usual, you sound like a child with your juvenile statements. I actually pity you.

And how would such a bet be paid? Are you truly stupid enough to give out your personal info to someone that has claimed openly to dislike you?

You are the most hostile and argumentative person on these forums…hands down.

You should have been booted from here like you end up booted from any discord that gets to know you.

Notice the trend, Pawzer. Work on bettering yourself.


Hahhahaha! OMG! So, all the times I had them both going off, it was the same cat? Youre my hero!


You know what caught my attention since Pawser keep on fixating likes? I’ve noticed the only 2 likes they had on the last few comments… are from the same person as i’ve pointed out in my comment above. :point_down:

Suddenly, this fixation of likes starting to make some sense here. :thinking:


Youre the man! Unless your a woman of course.


I prefer radioactive space batman fabio. :stuck_out_tongue: /j

Just kidding, i’m a man.

And to further prove this, their both have 50 quests completed achievement done on 9/11 this year… (… odd coincidence?)


Compared to what?

What do you mean?

I will never understand why people do this crap…

Or why Blizzard allows it.


i’ve also noticed both of them as well Pawser stopped speaking here since i’ve mentioned that…

Very sus, much sauce. :thinking:

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Well “idiot” is a measure of intelligence. So what species are you using for comparison. Humans are idiots compared to what?

Learning to check mounts if you think youre dealing with the same person is genius. Never thought of this. Imma use your detective skills a lot methinks. Thanks!

And achievements too. :+1:

And now there’s classic toons liking pawser’s post as well… right atfer i’ve noticed Belf and floozyhunt are the same person… Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery sus. :thinking:


I guess you can do that but is it worth the trouble?


Fun fact. Chimpanzees have been observed using stone tools.

I would have gone with mice. After all they built the computer that figured out that the answer is 42.

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Actually, I used the same tactic as you. So you’re literally calling yourself that, lmao. I think you could probably do with some introspection.

Huh, you’re not even aware of online platforms for such things. Not surprising, you don’t know a whole lot about stuff as much as you like to.

Only to those that are handless, or without backbone like yourself.

Ooh, another fabrication. Poor thing.

What trend? That a discord that was used for harassment didn’t let me join? Wowzer, what a low bar you have. Then again, you’re the one that endorsed threats of bodily harm as nothing too.

Take your own advice.


Sometimes. Not always. Like anything in life I guess

…Are you trying to get him to Dox himself?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Your Superiority Complex is obvious.

“Everyone I don’t agree with is literally Hitler!”

You’re boring.


I mean you’re the one that doesn’t engage with any of my post but tries to take pot shots because they have nothing of substance in the post after being disproven in your original statements. Words you don’t even believe enough to put money on, I would say.