Trans Lives Matter!

Maybe thats why 90% of comercials feature black women with a nice updo fro. A demographic representative of 7% the population but representing 90% of Capitalism at its finest, advertisements.

Just run your own test, give yourself 2 hours of any show on Hulu and youll see what Im talking about. Woke.


:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Conservative apps will never not be an endless supply of entertainment.

Like that conservative dating app that launched last week and literally caused a bunch of conservatives to tattle on themselves when they were asked if they attended the January 6th insurrection. Or that there was a seemingly large absent number of women on the app and a bunch of men being confused about it.


I actually didn’t know what you were referring to, so I did some research.

He read off a list of people who sent false ethics complaints to the Bar Association (he’s a lawyer).

The complaints were all thrown out and ignored, as they were clearly just an attempt to get the guy disbarred because of…opinions those people didn’t like?

The list he read? All public info since they filed public and false complaints against him to try to get him fired. He plans to sue each and every one of them, so they will regret trying to smear a lawyer…LOL

Then they mass flagged his channel, and Youtube auto removed it. (sound familiar? We see the same thing happen to silence people on these forums)

Don’t you worry, he’ll have it restored since he didn’t nothing illegal or against YT ToS.

But you cheer this type of behavior?

That only proves mine, and many people here’s opinion of your character as accurate.


They were not false ethics complaints, given the previous month (That his channel took a hit for) was making threats of bodily harm and the usual ‘grooming’ accusations because she’s a trans advocate that helped kids.

Threats that I cannot repeat here, were not ‘opinions that people didn’t like’.

Names, addresses, phone numbers, and other identifying documents obtained as a result of being a lawyer actually.

Won’t be able to, though he’s open to being sued for trying to smear others and making threats.

Again, zero evidence of that. Was not auto removed, they have no ‘auto removal’ tool.

Yeah, he did. He doubled down on statements he made that gave that channel a 2 week vacation, repeated ALL of the lines (that were included in the complaints essentially telling people to cease their existence)

You’re the one literally cheering for someone that made threats of violence and more, but go off. Very telling of your character as well as those that liked your post.

As always, the ‘misinformation’ of the right. Didn’t do anything when they get caught red handed, but everyone else is doing something awful.

looks at the right trying to re-appeal certain marriage rights Uh huh, sure.


Ikr. Dumbest reason ever. :laughing:

That’s like freaking out your Starbucks Barista is a conservative and silencing/getting them fired because how dare they practice their freedom to believe or follow something they personally want to. Dumbest thing ever. Even if their a right winger full on trump supporter, you know i would do? I would just walk away, or not even acknowledge that. Even if their just being pure crap to me or bigoted, i wouldn’t even consider it.

I mean who would be crazy enough to want them silenced because of their political— Oh wait… yeah… :dog:

I know right?! :rofl:

Not only this is scumbag behavior to do in general (not talking to you, i’m talking to anybody who cheers for random people for losing their job… and yes, Being a YouTuber is a real job if your monetized), but they don’t think this will only enable them to do the same things back to them. They got nobody to blame but themselves for enabling this sort of behavior when it comes back and bites them in the butt… :man_facepalming:


Bibbity bobbity bo, no one cares who you do.

LMAO!!! That was funny

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Someone hear some wind? I think I heard it was wind that obsesses over my posts but no one else’s. ;3


I’m not going to go line by line and dispute all the nonsense you posted, since I can just summarize and say everything you posted is either opinion, conjecture, or completely fabricated (as usual).

Time will tell who is accurate.

(spoiler : it’s not you)


Jeez Pawser, go to the doctors at least. You’ve been losing this hearing to the wind a lot. I think your ears are giving out. :laughing:

Don’t make me bring out the big guns. Imma make you go even more deaf with my wind. :rofl: /j

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Ah yes we’re to the point that you can’t dispute my claims so you run away (As usual)

Want to perhaps place a monetary bet on whether their YT gets reinstated and if they actually succeed in any litigation (IE winning a case)

Or will you run away from that, too?

Especially since I was able to point out a bunch of stuff that was fabricated in your post, I wonder which route you’ll go!


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Says the person who said this instead of responding to my comment… :point_down:

You didn’t point out literally anything. You were just so nebulous, it’s like a fart in the wind.

…Yes, this is the big guns i’m talking about. I will promise you will hear nothing but wind. And not the pleasant kind. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: /j

The epitome of this world and the people on its beauty, is that there is always more to learn. Things to discover, and things to find fascinating.

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Nah. Keep your trans contained in retail. Ill stick to my classic

My good fellow. If there is one thing I’ve learned in my twenty one years on this planet is that Humans are idiot savants. Meaning are typically idiots. Occasionally graced by a spark of genius.

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What have you got against trans people playing Classic ?


from Imgflip Meme Generator


I like to relive the era of 2004, politics, culture, and way of life included. thank you very much.

I don’t understand peoples need to be angry at people who just wanna live there life.

Like really. People from the LGBT community tend to keep to themselves, and when I do interact with them on occasion they are the nicest people I meet.