Trans Lives Matter!

You mean like the people that got yeeted off their platform saying it was false reports and an automated system handled it? :3

Haha how long have ya’ll been saying that.


oh boy!
Bingo Forum night! My Favorite!
/puts on bingo glasses an gets a bingo card n pen ready

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Something fascist would do, yeah? You will respect my authority!

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he literally made the announcement like a few days ago before his court date since he knew he was going to lose the case lmfao.

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Oh look this almost 2 month old thread is still going because someone keeps necroing the thread.

Ya’ll are fighting in a thread that should have fizzled out a while ago.


Youre wasting your breath/typing with paw paw. Let it go mang!


Gasp! Oh noes!!! Oddly hostile, but Ill find a way to cope…

So your saying that a “troll” is someone who expresses their opinion on something they feel is important?

Then I guess the 1st Amendment by that definition is the “troll Amendment”.

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Yes, generally trolling is getting someone worked up about something they care about. To make someone upset. Acknowledging that doesn’t change the fact that the person still took the bait. Because now instead of doing something better with their time they’re stuck in a thread arguing about something that won’t change a single thing.

So how do you tell if the intention of the person you are calling a “troll” was to get someone else worked up or to express an opinion they felt strongly about themselves?

Or to look at it another way, when the League of Women Voters organize a Presidential debate are they being trolls?

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Nope. Fascists would come to your house and shoot you for discussing banned content.

Capitalists are the ones who remove people and programs from their platforms when those people and programs promote things that the majority of their customers condemn and detest.

In Capitalism, all morality has a profit motive.

That’s why Blizzard is so inclusive - because a disproportionately large segment (compared to previous generations) of Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha identify as LGBTQIA+ and are politically left of the US Democratic party. It’s why Disney is inclusive. It’s why Twitter banned Trump. It’s why Google removed Truth Social from their store.

Because not doing those things is likely to anger the demographic they most hope to exploit for profits.

If you want to make money by convincing other people to give it to you, you have to understand what the future is and prepare for it so that you can monetize social trends and maximize profits.

These companies understand that the future of Humanity is Leftist, LGBTQIA+, and populated by people with multi-racial genetics. Cater to them and you secure your profit margins for decades to come. Resist the inevitable and you’ll go out of business when all your old conservative customers pass away.


I mean, kinda.

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Youre posts are always original, and make me smile. thanks for being you!

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Jeez just ask him out already

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Wait trans is a gender? Wouldn’t you just Go with the gender you identify as why do you need a trophy for that? I’m confused am I ignorant about something?


I saw him first.

If you want to make money by convincing other people to give it to you, you have to understand what the future is and prepare for it so that you can monetize social trends and maximize profits.

Mormons and the Amish? Their lost members don’t hurt their birth rates much either (young men were more likely to leave then women.)


Yes. Chromie is female.

I see no trophies in this example, but let me address your question with another: Why does anyone need a trophy for anything?

Most people are, it’a a confusing world.

A great many things, but we all are. If we were aware of how little we actually know, I imagine most of us would be horrified.

I dunno, you got some determined competition

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Id beat ya up for that, but your ilvl is much higher than mine and id lose…