Trans Lives Matter!

Are you really proud that you can cleave butter?

That’s a low bar, bro.


Not needed to make the game better.

Bad idea

Hmm? Any evidence for that? All I can remember is them pointing out all the awful stuff said person was saying.

I agree the person that was being awful to others got bit back.

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I saw a CSPAN video of a congressional hearing on “post roe America” - apparently UC Berkeley professor labeled the belief that men cannot give birth, as transphobic.

Nearly all of humanity are transphobes… or UC Berkeley?

I think I know the answer.


she has been trending on twitter for the past few days. go check that and you will see the screenshots.

karma finally caught up with her. beautiful.


Yeah, desperate struggles from the alt-right to push back against the consequences of their own actions and words. You trying to point at anything else? Don’t beat around the bush, now.

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Straight lives matter.


Lol. Never really thought about it like that. Now that I have…. He’ll yeah I am. :call_me_hand:t2:

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Hey, if you’re proud of it, I’m proud of you.

Keep cleaving that butter, bro.

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Hahaha! Nice! Well played!

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the alt right! the bots! the incels!
LMFAO. Think that bogus excuse went out of style a year or so ago. try agian.


Not really, you can search the deplatformed lawyer’s name on twitter and find so many bots regurgitating new videos about them or surrounding them. Plus you can look and see the chat activity compared to their view count on the other streaming provider. :3

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Bigots are still desperate to be the center of attention, I see.


No one is falling for anything. They have strong feelings on the topic and want to express them.

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Can I get the original Puerto Rican flag while we are at it?

Bots is just an excuse 90% of the time when someone puts a horse manure opinion(keffals) and they are outnumbered and just blame bots.

Elon musk is now officially buying twitter so it won’t matter. He’ll get his account back like all those big back “deplatformed” people you hate so much. CAnnot wait for more trump trolling.


I see that Google recently banned Truth Social from google play, Google says the platform violates its policies on prohibiting content like physical threats and incitement to violence.


Ah, the freedom of speech platform more heavily censored than twitter by a mile


lol no one cares about TS, parlor or gab.
Musk said he will let trump back in a interview. That is all that matters.

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Yeah, that’s HOW you troll lol