Trans Lives Matter!



The only thing that isn’t pure garbage in this timeline is I got to grow up in the 80s-90s and it was awesome.

This is a gutter.

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Yes the existence of T is such a terrible thing to your life. Not the environmental problems, economic collapse, and government failures across the world. It’s the T.

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All this stuff existed even then yet didn’t have to get constantly shoved in our faces. It’s more “look at me” just like the mom’s at the park who have to tell everybody their kid is allergic to everything.

Yes, we know you exist
No, we don’t care
Finally, nobody is special

As far as the other issues you mentioned goes some is beyond control and some people foolishly voted us into.


Why don’t you comment on the whole keffals thing then?
you tried to make her into a HERO for your people and guess what? turned out to be a garbage human being. that is what usually happens.

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What’s a keffals?


A Canadian Twitch streamer who is also transgender activist, political commentator, and former candidate of the Communist Party of Canada. I think that’s what Alexstrasza is talking about.

Sounds like a winner.

Sounds like someone the conservative media zeroed in on as a “progressive hero” because they assume we worship talking heads like they do. I’ve literally never heard of her until three posts ago.


Which part, exactly? Be very specific, I think they’ve done a lot of things but they should return going hard against KF since it’s back up.

I’m also quite happy that a right wing youtube lawyer got their channel yeeted after going after them.

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I dunno that you can dump on a lvl ten when you’re on an alt too. Just a thought lol

Not dumping, just pointing out a fact. He’s trying to insult someone by leveraging that they’re probably on an alt, which is ironic (if not hypocritical) when he is similarly on an alt.

I acknowledge that I am on an alt. I’m not dunking on anyone by pointing out that they are also on an alt. It’s not my problem if that’s insulting to you.

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you mean telling their audience to mass report? this wont end well for her. so dont worry.
bad person, does bad things and when the bad things come to bite them in the azz, no pity. deserved.


You can rest easy. It’s not insulting to anyone. After I replied I forgot you existed. You have a good one!

Well, she has my vote.

Weirdly hostile but I’m sure I’ll find a way to cope.

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And if you don’t, that’s ok too :sunglasses:

It’s because you’re a nightborne. Every time I stumble across them while creating a character I’m surprised that they exist.

I just can’t remember them.

Something about them refuses to stick to my brain. It’s like melted butter on teflon.

I have made nightborne characters and completely forgotten about them the next day.

It’s the only race that causes that to happen for me, and I don’t know why.

I actually like the nightborne. I think they’re cool.

I simply cannot remember them.

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Starting to think this critical thinking you accuse others of not having is similarly absent with you since you were clearly unable to see the tongue-in-cheek nature of my comment :grimacing:

(P.S. That was an insult)

Sometimes I forget that I exist and my brain becomes an existential paradoxical nightmare.


I unironically identify with every word of this.

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