Trans Lives Matter!



Why do people always fall for these troll threads? smh

Some people never learn.

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You mean ‘they’?

Not to correct you or beat you over the head over it (and i apologize if i come off like that), because reading over this and seeing you mention Discord, tells me you personally (as about as discord acquaintance go) know their pronouns/gender, (and i’m assuming their there for months to build this acquaintance), hence why i’m just pretty darn curious on such heavy usage of “He”, unless you made a mistake.

No kidding. That person just Straight up Harrasses people and targets them, but Blizzard is just perfectly fine with it.


Me personally, i would choose T squad’s House Cat. Or as he like to call themself… “The King of internet”… :laughing: Because thankfully their actions/behavior doesn’t want to make me sick all over the floor and it’s just a classic case of silly.

Nah, you (not you, the house cat i’m talking too) ain’t no king of the internet, you a jesta. Sneezing Panda got ya beat! :rofl: :point_down:

How is Clark doing actually? Is he getting better?

It feels like it’s been years since i’ve last seen his Pro World of Warcraft fan(boy) posts. :confused:


Yeah that’s a no.

This thread is full of transphobes.


No. I am not familiar with this person outside of the thread he started bringing all this to forefront where evidence was shown that he photoshopped conversations to facilitate him as a victim.

That thread was very illuminating into the psyche this person has and I will not buy into the delusions they want everyone to buy into.


Again, more intentional misgenders. Very telling, bari.

The two people that claimed my pictures were photoshops were: Moritz, and Clark, who threw it into an ‘online investigation tool’ to check and see if an image was edited or not. Which mine were, to censor people’s names out of it (as per the forum rules). When I showed people that what it does to basically any photo where one removes the names, and told them how to do it and that the tool didn’t show what they thought they skidded right off.

We all know how their reliability went after that, don’t we? But, those types do enjoy sticking around each other don’t they? :3

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Dah, alright then. :+1:

So Pawser is upset that somebody tried to prove them wrong and just try to victimize themselves, or pretend it never happened, shift the goal posts, obsess over likes (… the person really likes obsessing over that for some reason, and it’s not particularly healthy) or Or just straight up Harasses the person. What a shocker.

It’s especially telling when their accusing me of misgendering, despite the fact i’ve called Pawser the correct pronouns. The pronouns they want to be called by. So their just literally just getting upset i’ve called them ‘they’. I.E, nothing. As well being upset that i get their name wrong which i think any normal person would know who i’m talking about so… I’m pretty sure that’s just harassment for the sake of it. And at this point, i’m convinced Pawser doesn’t understand that Guilt by Association is a fallacy.

I do feel bad for the normal LGBTQ+ people who had to put up with this person and i pray for anybody who have them in their discord. :pray:


This is why I ignore the misgendering comments. It’s his shield to deflect any wrongdoings by saying misgendering is somehow worse than everything he has done or to use it as some kind of trump card to ignore the statements that are made.

The claim that photoshop was used to edit out names was a lie. Because the name was changed not edited out. If you want to edit out a name just use paint to cover it up. The names in the screenshot were clearly visible. It was of a female Tauren Druid that used to post here a lot.

What’s ironic is at the start of that thread I was on Pawser’s side because the person that runs discord can be and has been quite antagonistic and that discord was shown to target threads they didn’t like to mass flag it.

At least the T-squad don’t try they hide they insufferable trolls. (I believe it is more than one person).


You’re also the type to get heavily offended over other peoples opinion just like Keffals.

Are you the main face for trans rights or something? xD

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Stop going back into old threads that are 100% over and reviving them.

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How cringe

Critical thinking implies objectivity. Objectively speaking, they/them are no longer pronouns that are utilized only for groups.

Objectively speaking, the English language is always evolving and so while someone can certainly have the opinion that “they” refers to more than one person (which nobody ever argued, mind you), it would be narrow-sighted to claim that it can’t mean anything else.

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He recovered well from the accident as far as I know, but is taking a break from online interactions for the sake of his mental health.


I guarantee he’s posting on a lesser known character, being just as rude and obnoxious as ever.

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Whatever you want to think, chief.

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I’m sure you taught him that game.

Kinda like The “I’m leaving!” Game you play, yet you still post every day…

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I’ve never said I’m leaving, nor have I taught him anything. I just know the guy outside the forums.

You mixing me up with someone else or just having a stroke?


Ironic, coming from someone on a level 12 shaman alt.

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Maybe on the mixup.

Doubtful on the stroke.

I remember you claiming people were being mean to you, so claimed you were leaving.

But it could have been one of the other people I strongly dislike on these forums.

I don’t care enough to go look.