Trans Lives Matter!

This is the post he liked so much.

Why do people do that? Are you just unaware of what’s going on or are you just subverting facts to push an anti-posting agenda? If so, why?

The thread isn’t bringing out anything that isn’t already there. This “hatred” has existed all along and will express itself whenever permitted. Anywhere, any time. It will burn eternal until one side’s flame is snuffed out entirely.

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You need a napkin? Because you are spitting facts out here.

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Probably. But we all know that the mods can be inconsistent.

I am pretty aware of what is happening. It is simply demoralizing to see these threads brought back to life by hatred and bickering that targets the LGBTQ+ community rather than support for them.

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How about no that’s a waste of time

So, serious question. no trolling, i promise.

If yo’re a transperson in real life, you don’t identify with your biological sex/gender.

But in WOW you get to CHOOSE your character’s gender…and can change it for a small amount of gold…as often as you want.

so the question…why do we need it?


For some, it’s because they want a soap box to stand on.


i haven’t cringed this hard in a while. 15 post troll account.

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Easy. It’s not his. Pawzer is a just a dedicated troll. Nothing more. He’s been kicked out of discords because oh his nonsense.

Hell, there was a huge drama thread he started on the subject. He’s been busted lying multiple times and trying to frame another user here.

I would choose the T-squad over him on these forums any day of the week.


Ah yes, the person that intentionally misgenders.

I could technically say any achievement on your account wasn’t earned by you because there’s no video evidence of you playing it physically with hand and keyboard cam to verify too.

Only one, and not for anything said in that discord but because they dislike my forum posts. I’m completely fine with being removed from a discord that prided themselves on targetting others, brigading forum posts to report and harass, etc.

Feel free to provide evidence for that claim, because it never happened. But you’re free to I guess go and bug Moritz or Clark about that subject… Then again, I don’t think either of them have a very good reputation around here?

Not surprising from another that continually misgenders and mocks pronouns, though.


Wasn’t he in a terrible accident?

What inequality?

Not allowed to vote or something? Can’t open a bank account, work where qualified, drink out of the same water fountain or sit wherever on a bus, own a firearm, freely speak in a court of law or assembly?


Any inequality we see, anywhere. :person_shrugging:

I didn’t quote anything because it’s a general statement. The only thing it’s a response to is “Don’t Tread On Me,” which is the Libertarian motto. Ergo, anyone wishing to not be trod upon should work to insure that inequality is mitigated any time it appears in any form, else we will tread.

You realize youre wasting your breath. They dont seem like the kind of people to do any kind of critical thinking, if its outside what they want to believe.


What they really mean is special concessions.


do you think this will make 1000 comments?

Tabards come in a really nice pink color, make a blue border and a white emblem and us lgbtq+ peeps will know what you mean :joy:

Yes, let’s add 969 different tabards so everyone who identifies as (insert here) can display it proudly. Meanwhile, let’s continue to suffer with content droughts and sub-par expansions like Shadowlands. But hey, the tabard will change it all for sure.


I don’t think the people making Tabards are also the ones making the content, Ninwah. Seem to have quite the misconception of how stuff is worked on.

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