Trans Lives Matter!

I do not require things to be relevant in order to post them.

What part of “I do whatever I want” are you struggling to comprehend?

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So then learn to deal with the consequences of people calling you out for your hypocrisy. You can post all the songs or memes you want, it doesn’t change the fact that you are a hateful person who hates the majority of the population living on Earth, since 85% of people in the world are religious.

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There are no consequences because I don’t care. Not even a little bit.

I know. I love posting songs and memes.

I’m not trying to change that fact. I’ve lived that reality for 40 years. I’m at peace with my misanthropy.

You are the only one who seems to be wrestling with it.

Good luck with that. :slight_smile:

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Chromie only chose a female avatar so he didn’t have man butt on the screen

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You can say there are no consequences, but I would bet my mortgage you have already paid them and are angry for it. Reality? What reality is that? That anyone who disagrees with you is a bigot. Let me repeat 85% of the WORLD’s population is religious, so you are angry at the world, what a sad and pitiful way to live.

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That isn’t how my life went at all.

Growing up, I was told I would have to change or certain doors would be closed to me, so I abandoned all paths that went through those doors. I decided to skate by on what little money I could generate, thinking I’d eventually end up homeless. Instead, I put a couple thousand dollars in SafeMoon at the right time, and now I’m set for money and am technically retired despite having never worked any job other than night security for 3 years.

I can’t suffer many consequences because I intentionally avoided any aspect of life where anyone else held any meaningful control over me. I continue to do that. All my consequences are straight up front. I’ll simply refuse to go along or participate if doing so could put me at the mercy of another person.

As such, there’s no opportunity for me to get “angry” for it.

Even my hatred isn’t tied in with anger. If anything, my hatred manifests in an almost playful manner.

There’s no way to tell what reality you mean. There are many, and all of them are subjective.

Depends what they disagree on? If you disagree with me when I say pickles are delicious, you are not a bigot, just a pickle-hater with poor taste. If you disagree with me that trans women are women, you’re absolutely a bigot. You can tell me Walmart is better than Amazon even though it isn’t, and I’d never accuse you of bigotry, but if you are bent out of shape because a mermaid is black, your Klan hood is showing.

That’s a big part of the reason why I’m a misathrope, but I should clarify something for you since you’re throwing that number around like it matters.

I have no problem whatsoever with Buddhists because Buddha has never been a deity and there is no dogma or evangelism, only philosophies. I, likewise, have found no reason to dislike Shinto-Taoists, Hindus, Pagans of any king, Asatru Heathens, etc.

I, myself, am a Satanist, so obviously I adore my fellow Satanists.

Your 85% isn’t as big a number as you thought, especially when you exclude Buddists from it.

The only religions I hate and directly oppose are the Abrahamic religions and the authoritarian variants they spawned.

This all goes back to my inborn pet peeve. “Don’t try to tell me what to do or I’ll fight you until one of us is deceased.”

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It is though, if not you wouldn’t be so angry. So, now you are threatening me with physical violence? You just quoted to me

“Don’t try to tell me what to do I’ll fight you until one of us is deceased”. I am taking this as a threat and will report accordingly.


I’m not angry, you just lack reading comprehension.

I issued no threats.

That’s my code and I live by it. You have no ability to tell me what to do, so you have never been in danger. :slight_smile:

Hey, if you want the mods to laugh at you, go right ahead.

Luckily for me, they can read and understand English even when you fail to do so.

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Also, your name references a story written by a TERF, so I wouldn’t like you even if we hadn’t butted heads here on this thread. Rejoice. You have quickened the inevitable.


You are angry though, when you attack 85% of the population because they are religious that is plain hate and anger. Please, stick with your quote cause that to me is a personal threat. I grew up as an immigrant in Juarez Mexico so you have no clue what real danger is, please stop making assumptions about people.

I grew up hard as well, unlike you I don’t blame people for my struggles. I worked hard for what I now have and never take for granted the freedom’s I have in this great country. People like you are clueless to what real oppression is until you live in a place with REAL oppression and danger, you don’t even know amigo.


My name is latin which means “to protect”. My god not only are you a hypocrite but you are ignorant as well.


No one speaks latin in this day and age, I wonder why. To me, and most anyone else what it instead references is a book series from JK Rowling. Which, your ‘ideals’ seem to be consistent with theirs so it’s what will be connected to it.

“yOu DoNt KnOw ReAl DaNgEr Or OpPrEsSiOn” you say, on the internet while being all the things you accuse others of.

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Holy :nerd_face: batman

Hey, next week is recycling appreciation week, could we get a tabard for that? I know that real world events have nothing to do with WoW, but I just need everyone who meets me to know I recycle!!

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So that matters because? You know for a fact a lot of names are not available, so I looked up latin terms and loved the meaning of the name. No, you don’t know what real oppression is. Look up the deaths and crimes in Mexico especially Juarez where I was raised.

Wait, you the guy that claims when you log on that people are constantly saying racist things? Is that you?

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The only thing that makes me angry is dropping things when I’m trying to do something.

To be honest, I don’t care about you, what you do, or what you believe. If you stay out of my way, which you do, I’ll simply disregard your existence.

Hate and anger are totally different emotions. Hatred is a slow fermentation process, and anger is fire and fury. I have no fire, just curated rancor.

I’ll always stick with it, but I’ll never care what it means to you. You are irrelevant to me.

In fact, this is my final reply to you. You’ve wasted enough of my time as it is.

Cool story. Better than most.

You know less about me than you do about the universe you inhabit, and that level of ignorance is mind-blowing.

You literally just made an assumption about me.

Who’s the hypocrite again?

That’s your choice. I was born into a broken world and a society I dislike, and I resent the way previous generations mismanaged the earth and society.

Nah, I’d rather die than work hard. I don’t owe anyone anything and I have nothing to prove. I’m glad you found something you enjoy, but it ain’t for me.



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Thing is you do care or you wouldn’t be replying. Think of the irony that you are the very thing you hate and pledge to combat, my god you are the poster boy for the term “irony”

Mismanaged Earth and society, my god LOL. What a delusional world you live in, move into a place like El Salvador for 3 days then come back with that same energy. Difference between you and others with real oppression is that their oppression is REAL or not made up, while you wake up wondering what can you be angry about today.

Sounds like you have to much time on your hands.


To be fair if consuming a piece of Harry Potter media is enough for you to hate someone I gotta assume Patronus is right on that one. It’s hard to imagine someone like that dealing with any real kind of danger.


What do you protect, exactly? Your own ego? Your right to ‘free speech’ and be awful to others?

No, you don’t know what real oppression is actually because there are worse things that happened and worse places than that.

That was your argument, wasn’t it? Then you couldn’t have been, because something worse happened.

Not a guy, to start with. (Guess you’re not protecting people, are you? Lmao.) My pronouns are they/them, or just call me Pawzer.

Secondly, feel free to go dig up the quote I made - it sure doesn’t say people are constantly saying racist things when I log in.

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Alright, he’s ignored for life now. :slight_smile:

Back to the topic at hand.

Is Chromie the only trans NPC or could any others be thought of as trans? I’d like to see a more traditional mortal transition happen in-game.