Trans Lives Matter!

But it’s in his quote, I don’t get it. Did you edit your original post to cover up what you actually said? The Lord sees everything, even your edited WoW forum posts.

That’s just sad and childish lol

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It’s about substance abuse. Her drug of choice is authority. It excites her to tell on people. XD

Nope. He used my name and typed out something I never said. You can scroll up and see everything I said. You’re also being extremely disingenuous right now assuming I ever said such a thing. Its Ok. It’ll be properly reported.

Wait you’re blaspheming on here and you’re reporting me for calling it out?

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No. This thread is sad and childish.

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No its not that at all. Its about you lying and harassing people on a forum by doing what you did. You used my name and typed a quote of something I never said. Thats not going to slide with me bub. You post will be properly reported.

And what would you call what he did to me? Taking my name and typing out something I never said quoting it as if I said it. He hates Christians and is now actively harassing them on a public forum.

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You think The Lord doesn’t see your forum posts? He does. Gonna have to do an extra prayer tonight to repent for that sin.


Right, right. Carry on!

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“Post deleted by author”

haha! Yea I already took the screenshot and plus its quoted in my replies to you. You openly harassed me for being a Christian on a public forum. You don’t get to delete your reply and think you’ll get away with it. :slight_smile:

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Why did you delete the post huh? Don’t want people to see what you did to me? How you used my name and typed in something I never said to harass a Christian? Its Ok. I have the screenshot.

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You’re overreacting, bringing your religious views into a Trans thread was never a good idea.

Its not overreacting when someone blatantly quotes me as saying something I never said and also said something that directly harasses me as a Christian.

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Shouldn’t have said Hail Satan then…


They’ve been talking trash on religion for quite awhile now. I’d try and ignore them. Let them believe what they want. Not our problem they believe in nothing.


I didn’t. He used my name and used the quote function to type out words I never said. The fact you’re saying that is the very reason I am reporting the post.

Ok but:

quote - repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person).

So if he used the quote function, which is a computer thing and computers are smarter than us, then he repeated your words. How can you argue with science?

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