Trans Lives Matter!

Do you have a child?

If so, but they’re not an Avenger, what kind of a god are you?

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That’s just boring. When something is unknowable, saying you don’t know is by far the least interesting answer you can give.

Not the worst answer. Just the least interesting.

I would encourage making something up.

How about a duck cult?

The Divine Order of the Quacking Flock.

You could become a Pastafarian or a Dudist. Dudism is pretty cool.

A guy I grew up with is a John Wiccan.

Aerisala needs help like seriously.

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Lake of Fire exists, Nirvana a real nice cover of it on their Unplugged set.


The fact that Aerisala is acting as if she/he is some sort of messiah is the most ridiculous thing I ever seen.


That person lives in fantasy land and is clearly delusional, she is the first to judge others but not herself… SMH


Yes! My children are deities in their own right. Like the All-Father, my Progeny write their names among the stars.

I am the Psychedelic Death Spiral feeding into the Eternal Abyss. I am First Darkness. I am the Anti-Light. I am the Shadowbearer. I am… you know what? I have a whole song to explain what sort of god I am.

Uh, you are the only one being ignorant here. To be blatantly homophobic is not a good look. You make all Christians look bad, shame on you.




I’m a kid now? Ahh thats right its the language used by people who lost an argument. :slight_smile:

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You’re a fragile mortal growing old to eventual death constantly looking for food and water to survive. You are no God. :slight_smile:


Heres a song about the devil by by favourite gay singer

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Quoting me on things I never said is going to get you a prompt forum ban. Don’t worry. Its been screenshotted and will be properly reported.


Its not that at all. Its the fact you used my name and typed words into a quote using my name to make it look like I said something I never said. Your post has been screenshotted. It will be properly reported.

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I dunno about Shreds but I worship Satin.


Wait, you said Hail Satan? Not very Christian of you…

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Nope I didn’t. Which is why I am reporting the post. Using someone’s forum name to quote them saying something they never said is against the forum rules I would assume.

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I thought that song was about coke. The “chop your breakfast on a mirror” line kinda sells it.