Trans Lives Matter!

Nui backwards is Iun.

Iun = Ion.

Hello, Ion.


That is the most horrendous accusation and I do not appreciate it one bit!!!1

(But at least you didn’t call me a Niu alt)

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My cat is breathing a huge sigh of relief.

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Hi Nui, please reread what I said. I specifically referenced myself. At no point did I say or imply that I speak for all trans people. Furthermore, the post I replied to used ‘we’, which encompasses an entire group in its context.

With that said, I still say having a trans symbol in-game would mean the world to so many of us.

Just don’t, thanks. Have a GREAT day :+1:

You keep mentioning this Kharneus dude? Who is he?

YES !!! Mini Skirts !!! And Shorts. I mean real shorts, not the goofy just above the knee shorts they give us.

Flagged as trolling.

he is a kid that likes to bug people and is not a nice

cats can be relieved?

I’ve been playing WoW for over 17 years and in my time playing this game, this has got to be the absolute worst idea I have ever seen for this game. Besides the fact that it would appeal to probably less than .5% of players, you’d also basically be setting yourself up for endless harassment wearing a tabard that represents something that probably most of the world sees as abhorrent in my opinion.

He’s bothered that I exposed him for using his alts to bump and necro his own threads. Now he’s having a temper tantrum and going on different threads and calling me out.

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What most of the world thinks is hard to say but most of the free world does not see trans as abhorrent.

Most are indifferent to the two wingtips, the trans on one, the “abhorrent” on the other. They just don’t have a dog in that fight.

If they want a tabard, most people won’t even notice.

People are so deep rooted in their tribal identities that everything must conform to their needs, their desires.

Azeroth is not Earth, so why are you attempting to thrust Earth ideas upon Azeroth, a place of magic and cosmic horrors? Gays, trans, and whatever other alphabetical letter they want to identity themselves as already exist on Azeroth. They’ve been normalized. They don’t need ‘special treatment’ and ‘positivity’ because they are as normal as being heterosexual.

The more ‘special’ and ‘unique’ you make something, the less normal it’ll seem. This is why adding trans flags and other trans-positive things is counterproductive and takes away from normalizing it within the world. You’re actively trying to damage, and destroy, your own message because you’re trying to appear virtuous for something which shouldn’t require a virtue to begin with.

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That is VERY debatable. Billions of people adhere to a faith that finds the lgbt community abhorrent and sin. I would argue millions perhaps even billions more who are not feel similarly.

Personally, as a member of said community (Pan/Bi here lol) I’m all for representation and inclusion if it’s done right.

I’m not for tokenism.
I’m not for people constantly shouting it at/around me.

Folks got ideals and that’s great, every one should have ideals and morals they strive for, but that’s not really what this is, is it? It’s a bait by some one pretending to be an ally all for the purpose of trying to harm the actual cause.

Good in game representation: Chromie the Bronze Dragon. Qadarin and Thiernax. Shaw and Flynn, things like that, where it’s part of who the characters are, but it’s not their only defining trait or their only personality characteristic.

Honestly, I feel sorry for the people who think the only worthwhile thing about themselves is who they are attracted too or what gender they identify as, if that’s the only thing you like about yourself, maybe, instead of trying to force your view on others, it’s time to look for some method of self improvement or go on a journey of discovery, expand and broaden your horizons. Trust me, it’ll help you be happier in the long run.

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I’d love if they added kilts too! Those things are heckin’ comfy it’s a shame they are considered so taboo where I live.

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Honestly WoW made trans cool and normalized before anyone else.

I have been playing female toons since BC.

Well actually that’s not true. If you look at the Bible it pretty much says that any sex outside of marriage is a sin. That being said, nowhere in the Bible does it say that you can’t have gay marriage.

Also, nowhere in the Bible is transgender even mentioned. And as the great American philosopher Leo Durocher once said, you read a rule book to see what you can do, not what you can’t do.