Trans Lives Matter!

Why is this still going?
Stop letting talonel rule the forums.
Let his nonsense die and let him die out with it


We didnt appreciate Ralph

So we were cursed with Talonel

This is our penance…


Why are you in this thread? i don’t believe you are being sincere.

so death is the final reward no matter how u live ur life?

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“Death is the ultimate transaction” - The Transmorg Broker.

that really puts some stress on ur belief system to steer correct

So your parents lives don’t matter? I can see why you are the way you are now.

My parents’ lives matter a great deal to me. They taught me to never submit to anyone, to always challenge authority merely because it presented itself as authority, to learn all the forbidden knowledge because people forbid only what they fear, and what they fear gives me power. I was raised by Anarchists. I was raised by Satanists. When I was growing up in the 90s, we belonged to a grotto with more than 50 members and attended the meetings every week. Those were some of the most memorable evenings of my life. My parents spent the 70s in and out of holding cells, brawling with cops and protesting everything from wars to police violence. When I was born, I became their revolution. And my children continue the legacy.

My parents have never once commanded me or told me what to believe. They taught me what they believed and showed me why, then they let me make up my own mind. That is how I am raising my children, as well.

A parent should guide and support - never dominate.


back from your vacation? Lol

How is this thread still active, while the manly men thread got deleted? RRRrreeeeeee!

We didn’t know you had a thing for ‘manly men’

Oh… I DO! Whos we?

The good people of the forum, and we wish you luck with those manly men.

Aww, ty. And I wish you luck in everything you do! /hugs

This posts will soon be censored lol.

For the first 8 weeks of a healthy human pregnancy, the fetus is female.

We all start out female. It is in the 9th week that hormonal signals direct the fetus to start changing into a male.

Therefore, every male in existence transitioned.

You can’t change my mind.


Every single life matters, who you sleep with has zero relevance on anything at all.


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As a transgender woman, I would love to see something in game that’s representative of people like me. A tabored? I dunno. A shirt? A toy balloon? A mount with a trans flag maybe? Lots of fun ways for people like me to feel as if we have a small place in the world in which we engage.

Please don’t speak for all trans people, thank you.


I would like to see a rainbow wyrm mount.

Like a prismatic/opalescent mana wyrm type creature.

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You do the same, thanks?