Trans Lives Matter!

Hahaha, thanks for making my point. I have said nothing to you to make you think i would not be open minded to what you have to say but with your reply it shows you are the close minded person who has nothing to offer and take the easy way out by saying I am the problem. Gotcha. I will continue to live a great and happy life and you do the same.

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If someone is blocking someone else from joining their party because they are LGBT or wearing a lgbt tabard, then that’s their loss. But if they say in chat that they don’t like these groups and they don’t accept people from xyz then IMO should be punishable. You can have your views, just don’t share them to the rest of us.


So, its not enough people that dont agree with you are bigots and whatever other name you can come up with. Now theyre far right? /smh

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You get a gay, and you get a gay, and everyone gets a convenient gay to support their idiotically bad takes and baseless arguments! How convenient!

Nobody cares what your imaginary posse of gay friends thinks. They are irrelevant. The LGBTQIA+ community exists and demands representation and inclusion with or without their dubious approval.

Just stop already. Nobody believes you, and it’s a weird look.


That what I am saying.

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You just made my point again… You come out all defensive and are attacking and accusing me of making up stuff on here because its the internet so everything someone posts must be a lie if it doesn’t fit your agenda. Good to know thanks.

Edit: I also have many friends in the LGBTQ community doesn’t mean I agree with with their opinions and just because I don’t doesnt mean I hate them…


Yeah, I don’t believe anything you’re saying. We can’t really debate because we’re starting off from a place of mutual disrespect. Even if you are prepared to respect me, I can’t respect your position or your lies, and knowing that I don’t respect you will prevent you from respecting me.

We’re at an impasse, and I suppose that’s where we started.


Again you are showing a toxic behavior. I’m sorry, where did I disrespect you? The only one being disrespectful ( and I say this with respect) is you. You are the one calling me a liar and telling me you were closed off from the start for no apparent reason other than I must be a liar. That is fine, but you can’t make a change if you don’t have the ability to converse with civility.

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I neve said such a thing, in fact, I agree with you here 100%. It applies to everybody, not just xyz.

BTW: what is xyz? I thought this thread focused on LGBT?

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Shouldn’t we use they to address Smeagol tho?

No, because he is a singular creature with two personalities.

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Also you: Makes a name referencing a movie from real life and doesn’t talk or care about all the other politics in the game because they ‘like’ them.

Why don’t you take your own advice? Go make a heteronormative MMO and leave WoW alone? :3

From every alt-righter, every time without fail lmao. “I have X or Y friend/Family member so therefore I cannot be bad!”


Guys, my best friend is a MAGA republican and he agrees that the ideology is dumb, he just supports it to compensate for his physical shortcomings.

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Lol, This will be good. I was given this Madmax as a nickname when I skateboarded in the 80s and I have used it in bowling leagues, My MC club, and a gamer tag. What does this have anything to do with your argument. The movie you say i got the name from is also fantasy so again what’s your point?

I stand by my statement and will still type, trans characters and the LGBTQ is not a part of this games lore. If you want this type of content go find a game that caters to your genre and again leave WOW alone.

Pawzrer I am going to go hang with my girl for the night and will get back to your rant tomorrow or later tonight. O, wait, you’re gona retort that I am making up that I have a girlfriend too. Ok so I will reply to your needs.
Pawzer, I will continue this tomorrow since my mom is making me a ice cream float before she reads me a bedtime story for bed in the basement of her house. Hope that is acceptable reason for yah. Take care for now.


So you admit that youre just trolling. Mods please take action against this user just blatantly entering other peoples threads and harassing us for being LGBT.

Omg, No, I am not trolling, Jesus this is why you need to go somewhere else. I have been polite up to this point. All of you replying to me are way to sensitive and need to grow a backbone. None of you can have a discussion or disagreement where if it isn’t in your favor you want to censor, ban and report people with different opinions. This is why everyone is toxic towards your cause. You want to threaten, bully and push your opinions onto others and don’t care about their feelings or opinions. Way to go.


You need to stop being so defensive and toxic to people. I will state this as I did in a prevoius reply. I have no problems with the LGTBQ community or lifestyle. I have many friends of a different ethnicities and gender preferences. I do not judge them on anything but if they are a good person or a bad person < that is what determines if I like you or not. I do not hate a person because of their color or lifestyle.
So I have reached my tolerance level to all of your toxic replies and behavior. You offer no solution or even want to have a peaceful discussion to help your point. I will take my leave now and put this thread on ignore that way you will feel like you won and drove off the big bad Conservative ( Im an independent By the way ).


Well, you just brought real world politics and issues into the game by doing so. That’s what it has to do with my argument refuting your little argument.

Wonder what that movie is based off of, and how there are factions and different politics involved…

They are, and have been since Chromie, not to mention as player characters, since race change was allowed in a way.

I have been here a while thank you, and I enjoy the genre (MMORPG) just fine. :3

I do believe your hand is real. There we go.

Not particularly, maybe take your own advice?

Why don’t you, why do characters that reflect their creators and other players make you so upset?

I can have one just fine as long as it’s in the confines of the rules of posting, which btw you should probably read into because guess what? Those contain references to the dreaded IRL and interacting with other people too!

Nah, people are toxic towards the cause because they hate what they either don’t understand, or what conflicts with certain thought processes like say heteronormativity.

You mean like the right wing law makers are ACTUALLY doing while the left wing isn’t? :thinking:

Another point you should take advice from, given you came into this thread and went super defensive because of your own IRL based beliefs.

Yes, you do. You stated you don’t want to see them in any games, only your cis-het-white ideal.

Likewise, guess which one you are?

You mean like you offered no solutions yourself, because a lot of the game would have to be removed and changed to meet your own demands of no ‘irl politics’ etc etc.

Ah yes just like the ‘acktually I identify as a liberal/x/y’ to avoid criticism too. What’s new.

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I’m an Anarcho-Syndicalist.

To me, you are indistinguishable from Democrats and Republicans. :person_shrugging: