Trans Lives Matter!

Very rude language. Reported and promptly ignored.

Right here is the problem. You don’t like someone’s opinion or reply so you report them. You also probably the one in a instance group that vote kicks someone because their xmog doesn’t match. Good for you.


You can disagree without the need to use vulgar language. That’s called having a civil conversation.

They didn’t use vulgar language? They edited it out.

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That’s hilarious, the LGTBQ community is the most toxic group out besides BLM, Antifa, and the Democrats. Every time i see a LGBTQ protest or group they are using nothing but hatred and violence to push their agenda in everyone else’s face.


Someone has far right views…


Smeagol also suffers from split personality disorder. He’s correct in using the term.

I’m sorry you feel that way. Maybe you need to take time to talk with LGBT folk and get to know them better. It sounds like you get most of your views from far right news stations and youtube videos.

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No, just relaying what I see on the TV, internet and news < if you can call what is going on now news…

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One of my best friends is a gay black man and he feels the same way along with his gay friends. I think its an age thing now. The older gay community doesn’t agree with all this new stuff they are trying to push on everyone.

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Big oof, either hardcore trolling, or another algorithm victim. Shame what low quality media and advertising has done to many conservatives.

I see where this is going, so let me be clear. I have no problems with the gay community or their lifestyles. I believe they deserve to be happy and enjoy to live happy too. I don’t agree with all the new crap they are trying to push onto everyone and now in schools with kindergarten kids who do not have the mental capacity to understand.

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We are able to think for ourselves and not be a follower. You should try it out sometime.

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big sigh because anyone who questions you is automatically “the other”

Id ask how you cant see the problem with that way of thinking but I know it is a waste of both of our times.

For the record Im very much middle of the road. But keep thinking everyone is out to get you. Makes you a super easy mark for people like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson.

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Again someone has some very dated, prudish and conservative views that dont fit with modern society.

I don’t think anyone is out to get me and I am able to hold a conversation with you if you would like to educate me more on this and where I might be wrong.

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It would be nice if you would refrain with trying to label someone you have no idea of.


With the social contract the tabard would be more than a symbol of representation and inclusion, it would be a weapon and a shield. If somebody wearing one is turned down for a M+, or a raid, or any group then the tabard must be the reason. If somebody wearing the tabard is killed first out of a group of opponents in PvP then it must be due to the tabard. Any disagreement or something that could be construed as unfair must be due to the tabard. There will be trolls in the game that use it as a tool where “you must see me and acknowledge me but do nothing to offend me” (based on their opinion) .


No thanks, I’d really rather not continue to converse with you. You have made it abundantly clear from your replies I’ve had the misfortune of reading no amount of conversation would be productive.

You are what some people might refer to as “long gone”. Have a nice life, what is left of it I guess.

I agree with this.

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