Trans Lives Matter!

I don’t think bigots is the right word there…close though.

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How’s life in the land of Shreddie McShredsquatch today?

Things going good? Livin’ the dream? Or is it raining hardship?

Whatever the case may be, here is a support piggeh for you to cheer you onward.



Oh, how so? please explain? I would love to hear more!

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Excellent! I am about to drive my virtual Mack Anthem across Montana to deliver a shipment of fireworks.

Tomorrow, I get dual eyeball injections and I’m excited about that.

I had a minor sous viding disaster involving lactobacillus overgrowth in a 24 hour cook, and we just got the house aired out, but the Indian Temple Incense I lit smells wonderful.

It’s pretty warm out today, but when it cools down I might go for a swim. I don’t want to leave the AC right now, and I need to finish my Cruising Montana event in American Truck Simulator.

How has your day been?


They didn’t. Not even a little 8)

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You assume I’m right wing, I’m not. I’m all forLGBT+ rights. Im not for anyone that says I must respect them. I won’t. You want my respect? Earn it.

Blizzards has customers from from both sides of the isle. They want our money and dance a very fine line to keep both happy. That won’t happen by pushing one side out of the game with suspensions

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We “earn” respect by giving them our $$.

That makes no cents.


I see what you did there…


Giving money to Blizzard for a subscription does not earn you respect from the general population.


That sounds like a pretty epic day! I was on the edge of my seat… It was like seeing a riveting movie scene unfold on the big screen!

DJ Shreddie putting the hammer down in his Mack Stack, cruising with some great tunes blaring under that big Montana sky, steering into the horizon… :grin:

What would your CB handle be?!


All best thoughts your way. May things go great and in your favor!


My little pumpkin plant sprouted a new leaf! And I stopped by mom’s and cleaned her oven. Ugh…


I’m just “Satan” on ATS. But I’d probably go with something corny like “Lone Wolf” IRL.

I thought about making a Worgen named Sololobo, but it’s hard to find any motivation to log into WoW.

That’s exciting! My plants are getting big, too. I need to clone them soon. They’re looking happy and vibrant. There is something immensely pleasing in watching living things thrive and grow because you have cared well for them.

Now there’s a good son. I would be immensely proud to have raised such a thoughtful person.

Thank you! I’m hoping that they will. It’s a clinical trial and not everyone gets access to this particular medicine, so I’m quite privileged to even be included. I will certainly provide updates on how the procedure goes and what the end result turns out to be.

My huskies are lying in a fuzzy pile, panting and being angry with the Summer time.

We can’t wait for October over here.


Please do! Sending positive energy your way! Not that cheapie imitation gesture energy either… oh Nooo, this is grade E (the E for Epic!), certified amazeballs, positive-outcomes-only energy. You’re gonna do GREAT.


Do yours argue with you…? lol




Yes, especially the girl. She will actually bark and complain at me as though the heat is my fault. Only nugget ice from the ice machine satisfies her, and once she gets cooled down, she starts complaining about not having treats she likes. She’s immensely spoiled.

Once I get her quiet, her son starts. He’s just reached adulthood and he has an endless wellspring of sled dog energy.


My favorite dog breed is the Pug. :heart_eyes:



Yes… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pugs are the sweetest lil souls. Great companion animals.


Here to show my support for black trans lives

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As much as I believe all people should be treated the same .

I just have one question .

How is the overly woke agenda working for companies like NETFLIX or Warner Brothers/Discovery?

Oh that is right Netflix said they don’t care and if people are offended they can quit working for them .

Warner Brothers/ Discovery canceled Batgirl and way things are going THe Flash will probably go the same direction.

Both companies are bigger then Activision BLizzard on their own . So how long until Acti=Blizz-King goes not worth it any more ?

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Smeagol is 1 dude and Smeagol use we/our.