Trans Lives Matter!

They? Are there more than 1 of you?

Just responding to the title.

At the start of your life, by default, your life matters, even if it only matters to you.

Congrats on being alive.

I can’t recall any time when my life mattered to me. I think my life only ever mattered to my loved ones.


Trans Lives Matter!!
:transgender_flag: :fist:

No lives matter.

We are nothing but a tiny speckle of dust in the infinite cosmos. The universe cares nothing for our existence and our short, pathetic lives are nothing but mere seconds before the entire history of all reality.

Still, the sudden realization of such existential horror is no excuse to treat other badly.


What consequences will we face for breaking your rules being forced on us?

I’m all for basic human rights, but I’m not too interested in bringing real world flags of any kind into the game.


No more or less than any other life methinks

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I’m not going to decide, that’s up to Blizzard. I recommend you ask them. Personally, I think a suspension would be appropriate.

Won’t that be good for business?

Indeed. Cultivating an inclusive space where people of every gender identity and sexuality feel safe and welcome is extremely good for business. :slight_smile:


Not when you suspend customers for not being woke enough.This will result in the lose of subscribers.

I think you mean “polite” enough.

Suspending bigots is good for business because there aren’t that many of you who play video games. Most bigots are over 50.

It will result in a net gain. The LGBTQIA+ population is growing at an unprecedented rate, especially in the gaming and fandom worlds. We are a significant and well-represented population, and we look for media that strives to be inclusive.

Banning bigots is a good look and is an attractive precedent to anyone looking for a new, inclusive gaming space to inhabit.


The word ‘woke’ has been weaponised by the far right, the transphobes, the homophobes and other deplorables. You need to get out of the dark ages and embrace Blizzards awesome new policies of diversity and inclusion.


Stop calling people that disagree with you names. You’re being just as bad as those you claim to hate.



Oh, I’m worse than my enemies. Much worse.


And all those names you just called others hasn’t been weaponized?


I hope they hurt. :slight_smile:

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