Trans Lives Matter!

Sounds like a method for entrapment.


Already have the blood elves with their gay voices, had to take a female due to that annoying voice.

Call me old fashion lol. Didn’t know it was hard to understand 2 genders

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By giving one group something and not all, you are excluding others. The goal was to be like the rest of the population to be treated the same and not discriminated. Getting special handouts is completely against that and talking about punishing those who disagree is entrapment.

You are openly saying you want exclusive privilege then use it as a weapon to play a superiority complex…that’s not inclusive. That’s self excluding and making it where the only outcome is toxic resentment and exclusion further alienating the LGBTQ from everyone else.

That was NOT the goal… That behavior kinda spits on what the LGBTQ was started for. I speak for myself and don’t need to be represented and I certainly don’t need bad actors pushing this view and talking like they speak for me or the LGBTQ+ as a whole.

Don’t go looking for things to put into a game that will bring harassment to begin with, I am the same I just love the same sex that doesn’t make me deserving of special favors to feel validation, I don’t deserve any award or praise because of that. It’s normal and normality isn’t treated differently positivity or negatively to other normal.

Nothing much else to say. Be normal and stop demanding validation for what should be normal by now.


As a trans-species penguin myself, I too would enjoy such a questline. A black and white tuxedo tabard would complete my transmog.

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I support this message and I think Blizzard should too!

Did we need multiple threads about this?

Of course we did, it’s the same cabal of trolls damaging the LGBT community on here by pretending they’re representing it.


Hell if were going that rout i want a straight pride tabard then.

Gimme a tabard with a naked alexstrasza and were good!

Uh, I don’t know if that’d be straight, unless you’re a dracthyr, that makes perfect sense.

Are you telling me you wouldnt bang a hot alien?

I’d have to sit down with her a few times. Know what she loves, life goals, ect. Then maybe there’s a chance.

Noooo! That stuff will kill you. Stick with lard, beef tallow and duck fat.

Damn dude most irl women dont even need that.


Well, i don’t want to be a dragon’s lunch If i say the wrong word to her. So, some pre-marination is in order.

Look at the bright side! Either way you will be inside her. >.> <.<

Unlives matter!

Then why do we only have playable Forsaken and Death Knights? Seems really discriminatory to me.

It’s a system of systmic systematic systemwide stigma. A predatory prejudice predicted on the perception undead are lower lifeforms!

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Do you actually play the game past lvl 10? I mean if its worth it to you to just pay your monthly to post, you do you. But seems like a great waste o monies…



1930 posts

60 Human Mage20810 he said he thought about trying that