Trans Lives Matter!

Anyone else excited for ducks?


The Jailer warned us they were coming


There are already trans characters in the game, demanding representation in media formats purely for the sake of representation is how we get garbage movies and TV shows, click bait politically incendiary thread title, probable troll here to rile people up or fish for likes/signaling thier worthless virtue, PI>cake… pretty sure I covered everything.

If Blizzard starts putting RL symbology in the game, there will be FAR more damage done than any good you THINK will be accomplished by granting you your tiny little win.

Half the people who ask for this garbage just want to be able to point to it and tell their friends ‘look, I did that! I have influence!’. If they had control over their real lives, they wouldn’t feel the need to exert it here.

So basically, you just want a sensitive topic to be able to report people for over and over so you can feel proud of yourself. You are literally just trying to start conflict in game. You clearly KNOW this will piss people off and want it in the game so you can wield it like a weapon against people.


Please no.

We have had so much political ideology already damage the game and the company plenty. Pretty sure at this point Activision Blizzard is going to do whatever it takes to make sure the Microsoft acquisition goes through without a hitch.

What you are asking for would put that entire deal in jeopardy.



It’s almost like the act of sex is biologically designed for reproduction isn’t it?


This topic is getting very boring and the entire trans thing is starting to sound more like a joke than any real cause


what do yall think the political climate is like for the tortollans

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. If only I would have taken better notes when the shop teacher was explaining how to do the backwards, down facing, indian twister during sex ed!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Personally I keep seeing these threads pop up and I am offended because where is the trans support for my cause? I Identify as a water melon person and no you can’t judge me I am juicy and delicious


Intended probably would have been a better choice of words lol
I think the context was understandable enough though ;p

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The people who start these type of threads are a complete joke who deserve to be laughed at, mocked, and scorned.



Another Talonel alt.


And the reason these are a joke is because in the end of the days regardless of the quips, jabs, jokes, memes people can’t seem to understand: JUST BE HAPPY and be you.

The skin has become so thin this generation is sad, Who cares who you are and what you do why do you need everyone around you to sing praise about you or accept you? People don’t accept fat people, thin people, overly tall people, people of color, women, men, etc etc. but you just keep your short life of maybe 80 years and be happy in WHATEVER that life brings you.

I don’t care who you love, what you do, what kinks, fetishes, life style, foods, or job you do I care nothing about YOU. but you shouldn’t care WHAT i think or anyone else things, do you boo boo and be happy with it and learn to love your self.

Or maybe its because people of these groups really hate who they are and think they will feel better if others worship, praise, and accept them so they can accept there own choices? Thats some deep thoughts right there.

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Enter the robot

Considering there’s legislation trying to be passed that denies the existence of trans people and considering the Supreme Court has openly admitted to considering striking down rulings that protect gay marriage, I would say that there are a lot of people who do care, just not in the right way.

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not a robot, I’m a real boy!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Yeah okay sorry but your shtick sounds like one

Nope, but i like the venom thats in rogues poison