Trans Lives Matter!

My apologies if it wasn’t your intention, it’s honestly how I felt when I read it, and I am one of those opinionated people who speaks up when they feel they need to.

Like I said, I’m down with a lot of in-game inclusions (I seriously want more rainbow stuff in-game too, just because I love colorful). I just don’t want everything everyone requests.

I really am sorry though :heartpulse:

But yeah, some of these are obviously uncool people.


We showed up briefly in the Sylvanas novel. It was actually kind of funny because they had to keep vague-scribing the character as just “an adventurer” since they couldn’t specify any particular race, class, or gender.

ah did not know this actually, but then again i dont think players are SUPER big part of the lore. Sure we are the “chosen” ones but still doudt that lore wise there where multiple people with ash bringer lol

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It wasn’t a very large appearance, they even avoided giving us any speaking lines. Remember how there’s a quest to get Alleria’s necklace and give it to Sylvanas? Since the Windrunner family legacy is the entire focal point of that book the necklace and its whereabouts were important, including how it made its way back to Sylvanas.

We basically just showed up, handed over the necklace, and exited stage right without elaborating further.

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Thats kind of funny ima try to read that book now…actually is it worth ready or naw?

I really enjoyed it. It does a much better job of showing how Sylvanas turned out the way she did than I thought it would. Plus the focus isn’t just on Shadowlands Sylvanas, but her entire life and unlife. Her story in WC3 is still very compelling and you learn quite a lot of her history before that. I recommend it.

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Nope, need more for threads like this.


I’m trainsphobic

Grimrail depot



How was it shoved down their throats? Lol

Why would you want flags ? So people can identify you more easily ? Arent there people not to kind to lgbtq people in game ?

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I assume this thread is once again just trolling, and OP has no idea about the implications of the original slogan in which they hijacked.

It’s for representation and inclusion. If someone were to harass someone else in-game for wearing a pride tabard or something like that, they could get reported and face the consequences.

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Why do you need to be represented ? I thought they wanted to be just like everyone else and be treated like everyone else ?


Only rich people lives matter


Sex ed geared twards reproduction only.Several countless tv shows and movies from the dawn of screens,pushing gender roles on people ,the list goes on.

so what, only lgbt people should be able to report someone for griefing them, everyone else is irrelevant?

How about blizzard just like, punish people if they are harassing or abusive towards someone straight up. No need to drag that persons personal identity into it and forcing that to be front and center. Or else if someone gets rude at me in the game i can just say “they offended my sexual identity” and weaponise that to have soemone i dont like ejected from the game?

I am pretty sure blizzard acts on threats and harassment already, without needing to know if the victim fell into “specific gender identity state #124.22”

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do you like marvel’s venom

So then whats the issue of seeing lgbtq+ stories, characters, and romance?

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