Trans Lives Matter!

Yes, yes, keep it coming. Let your true colors fly so we can get the forum vacation you so desperately deserve!

Is there a was/not anymore?

When people do that what they’re trying to say is that they’re fine with both she/her and they/them.

Yes it’s unnecessary and confusing and probably very slightly problematic because they/them are universally correct and don’t need to be specified. But that’s what people are trying to communicate when they do that.

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Thanks, I appreciate it.

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All lives matter.

Same time they add a cis tabard.


How intolerant can we truly get in this troll thread? The bigots are out in full force today!

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Nobody is special.


no! leave that out of the game we dont need it. your sexual identity is not relavent in this game.

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Odd I’m deflecting? yet you just alluded to a statement that your sexual preference is legitimate, but others sexual preference is nothing more than a fetish. With BDSM being a 24/7 lifestyle as well as Polygamy and Triad or Throuple also being 24/7 lifestyles hmmm?? ok, I thought the whole basic concept of LGBTQ+ and its concept, was it shouldn’t matter who you love or why? as long as you LOVE! …I guess bigots come in all forms and preferences.

Well considering the post was an example of tongue in cheek… EVERYBODY should get a FLAG, and it said clearly for comic relief purposes about a den of iniquity not being a good look, and it went over your head for lack of a sense of humor? welp? shrugs you know things.

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There no law or sociaty in lore game that oppresses LGTBQ people so they should’t need a flag. Putting the LGTBQ flag in game and no other flag is silly because they do not have that flag in game.

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Proceeds to deflect even more


Yeah? Because many of the responses in this thread tell me otherwise, chief. Try again. The society in WoW are the players. It’s a multiplayer game.

Brother players are not a big part of the lore :slight_smile: I have yet to read a book of WoW and see my character there. So try again reaching for that players = lore. The tabard don’t belong in game, not because people hate LGTBQ because it would not make any sense and it would be bring RL into game braking immersion.

Or it’s almost like OP made this troll thread because he knew exactly what kind of responses it would attract.


Isn’t it more intolerant to think that only certain lives matter or that certain groups shouldn’t get a tabbard and others should.

I admit i am cis but to be honest I would not want a cis tabbard or any tabbard representing any real life group in the game. I want stuff in the game that represents just that the game itself.

I don’t want things like pride month events being added by Blizz but I support players that make events like the running of the gnomes for breast cancer awareness or I believe the running of the trolls that support the Trevor Project.

I know over time the Running of the Gnomes has become recognized by Blizz and not sure about the Running of the Troll (if not hopefully some day it will).

I understand change will eventually happen but don’t ask Blizz to force the change but instead be the change and help people to actually understand .

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So… Are you putting this clownshow on because you’re a righty tighty and this is just how you act? Or are you just acting indistinguishably from a righty tighty for “humor”?

It’s impossible to have a conversation with you while you insist on being dishonest about whether you mean anything you say.

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Haven’t we been the chosen ones for like the last three expansions and are central to literally every plot thread?

And even if this wasn’t the case, what does this change about there being anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment in the game’s community? I’m not even talking about lore at this point. Azeroth is a world that is dictated by us, the players. Without us, the game doesn’t exist. We are as integral to the game as the NPCs are.

Doesn’t matter. The more people respond to it in such a manner, the more the thread is validated.

If you don’t want these types of threads, don’t respond to them. Don’t get mad at the troll for weeding out the bad eggs in our community. Get mad that the bad eggs are even here to begin with.

All lives matter is a rhetoric used to downplay the struggles minority groups have to face. You, of course, matter as a cis-straight person, but you are also not faced day to day with indignities and other people who are actively denying your existence. There are no people in power claiming that straight people shouldn’t be able to marry nor is there a rhetoric that was spewed in spite of your struggles.

This type of rhetoric bleeds into the game. Again, and I really cannot stress this enough, this rhetoric is already being used in this thread.

So yes, rejecting the notion that all lives matter in a very, VERY literal sense is intolerant. But that’s not what people use the phrase for. They use it because they interpret someone saying “trans lives matter!” due to the incessant bigotry leveled at them as them saying “only trans lives matter!”

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I mean this with no offense my man but in one of your above posts you suggest that not agreeing with these threads makes people a bigot.

As I am apparently one of these people, I’d just like to say that I absolutely support all these causes in real life, and some even in-game. It doesn’t make me a bigot to not want to have every inch of my fantasy game covered in real life.

Not everyone who disagrees has a hateful intention, friend.


Some of my friends would find this very offensive.

I never suggested anything of the sort. What I did suggest was that if your response to these threads is to make very obviously bigoted remarks (I.E. “there’s only two genders” or “All lives matter”), all you are realistically doing is validating this thread’s existence.

It’s fine if you’re the person who doesn’t want these things in the game. I will politely disagree with you, but I don’t think this makes you a bigot.