Trans Lives Matter!

I genuinely dislike arguments like this mainly because you simply cannot make such a statement in a game that is driven by its playerbase and where 90% of the interaction with the game involves the playerbase.

There are no narratives that express anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, but there’s enough evidence (in this thread alone, mind you) that would strongly implicate that it’s a frequent issue within the community. You, as a player, are just as important to this world as the average NPC. So while Anduin might not state “gay people bad,” that random player in Stormwind City will.

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pretty sure players just dont want to see flags or tabard that are related to real life, that includes LGBTQ+. Nothing crazy or hatefull for not wanting to see it, if you include one then you must include all the nations flags as tabard, a straight tabard, a tabard for each human country and state. Just be too much imo, stick to ingame stuff more zug zug tabards.

I guess that is true. I dunno, I’m not opposed to them adding flag tabards if they do.

None of that explains that weird crap you were saying earlier, but okay–if you say so!


Depends if you are talking about the group or the message.

The message is just and correct. The group has done nothing to actually help black lives. They champion criminals killed in face offs with police and ignore innocent lives taken by gang violence. The leaders take the donations and run and leave black communities as they been or worse off never better.

Truly you don’t seem to know BLM. Seems you’re more willfully ignorant of it’s true face. You only listen to the flowery words and ignore it’s actions.

They speak much louder and they have not lived up to their message. So please do try futility to say I don’t know what it is as you blindly champion a group that even black communities are no longer supporting because they do nothing for actual victims. They don’t address actual issues in poor minority neighborhoods gang violence is ignored and they push racism as the only thing to blame.

You’re blind only because you refuse to open them to truth and facts. Open you’re eyes and remove ignorance from your clouded mind.


Hello, Kaurmine here, if Trans people get a flag tabard Cis people want a flag tabard too, thanks in advance


On second thought, I think all the *genders need a flag tabard :]


Maybe because your sense of humor is drier than a piece of forgotten toast… eh?

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What do you mean nation flags? Because that’s a bit of a stretch to make as to why LGBTQ+ flags shouldn’t be included in the game.

Like, LGBTQ+ players exist in the game. China does not exist, so what connection or validation is there to put its flag in the game unless they put China on the world map? That’s a false comparison.

Straight people don’t need a flag because straight people aren’t routinely oppressed by law and by society. The whole point of having LGBTQ+ pride flags is because it is a response to the hate and malice they have to endure.

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Or we can just do the sensible thing and keep real world identity politics out the game. What reason would characters in wow need this mess.

Imagining orcs doing what people are doing these days in protests and all that makes me laugh in the sad way people do when they hear a tragedy due to a fools own actions.

It’s funny and depressing to hear or see. We don’t need this stuff of any kind in wow. May as well start placing country flags into the game.
Would make as much sense. They don’t fit. Wow is not our world. It’s a fantasy world. You kill fantasy when you start making it mirror reality.


That’s easy, they have identities as well :]

To my knowledge countries don’t exist in Wow

You can make an argument for other stuff though, like animal cruelty :slight_smile:


…So you were just joking when you invoked the “LGBT Lifestyle” language that righties use and compared being LGBT to a fetish or marrying a blow-up doll?


Nah no point to that as there’s no animals actually being harmed in a game but I’m sure some would do that due to being unable to tell fantasy from reality…people keep getting weirder and weirder.

People who live the BDSM lifestyle, some live it 24/7 in their regular lives of Dominant and submissive don’t consider it a just a fetish, but a way of life… so now who’s being a bigot?

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Don’t deflect. Answer the question. Were you joking?

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(The answer is no but they won’t outright say that because doing so would lend credence to this bait thread.)

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The extra “d” at the end of

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Oof. And another!

It’s almost like OP was right to request LGBTQ±related apparel in the game considering the amount of unhinged bigotry we have here.


Genuine question: Can someone explain the split here to me? I get she/her and they/them but the she/they I’ve never understood.

Don’t forget to flag. :slight_smile:


Truth must hurt.

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