Trans Lives Matter!

edamann, that is news, i heard memphis and tennesse in general is a good space, i will relook

well typed weidmann

This is the tea. Some really ugly comments here for what is a really obvious troll thread.


violence is easy to record as well as who is committing it, run the numbers

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and then silence fell…

13% of population, 75% of crimes committed

I didn’t say I had no idea what websites meant when they use the word lifestyle. I said I have no idea what YOU mean when YOU use it. The problem is rather specific to you righty tighty types really. Let’s call it a coherency issue. Same reason I gawked at the way you were using the term identity.

Gee, I wonder why. :smirk:

Nice attitude. I’ll call you if I ever get an acting job that calls for a middle school bully to shove me in a locker. :stuck_out_tongue:

The word “assumption” does not describe when you act in a manner that suggests you are something and someone accuses you of being that something. That’s called inference. Take some “personal responsibility” for the way you come off instead of pretending I had zero reasons to come to that conclusion.

Also I can’t help but notice you’re not denying anything. Frankly I have no idea why such an innocuous term would make you mad unless I was right and you just don’t like a label being attached to the attitude.

Oh I don’t see myself as some superior breed of being. I see myself as someone who has fallen down enough times to learn how to walk. It’s easy to complain about another person not playing nice, but if you’re not going to follow the golden rule that just comes off as wanting to give heat without being able to take it.

Oop. We’ve got a live one.


oof much txt, 13% of population is hurting well over 13% of population, what would u do?

penalties need to exist first and foremost, it has to be punishing to break laws, news at 11

again, silence set in


Step 0: Find out why instead of vice signalling for white nationalism
Step 1: Trace problem back to the drug war.
Step 2: Make comparisons to the rise of organized crime during prohibition
Step 3: Make observation of the decline of crime after prohibitions end
Step 4: End the drug war
Step 5: Wait for the dust to settle before considering further steps.

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or penalize crime, two options

So… change nothing and expect a different result for some reason? Because hyper aggressive law enforcement IS the drug war. Nice plan.

If you actually want to solve problems, my plan works and yours doesn’t. Simple as.

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holy hand grenade u use drug prohibition as free reign to ransack businesses, rob ppl, and destroy property? i say nay

double nay

Too predictable.

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That’s why people are talking about institutional racism. Reduced opportunities in life lead to poverty and crime. Institutional racism perpetuate the problems generation after generation.

There is not single solutions to this nightmare, we need a multifaceted response, not just get tough on crime.


I like turtles


BTW I’m not right, and have been involved in you know little things like Ferguson for just an example, because I have a home in the mnts of CO. during the summer months, but also a home in St Louis during the winter, so it impacted me directly and I was on the ground, marching and involved, not typing away my distain from an anonymous keyboard behind an anonymous name, on a game forum.
so, assume all you like… have your last word, I’ve already made it clear I’m not interested nor care about your opinions…

We don’t really need this I don’t think. It seems like LGBT+ stuff isn’t seen as bad at all on Azeroth so there’d be no pride, henceforth, no pride flags.
I wouldn’t mind more queer characters as a whole but flag tabards don’t seem necessary, and I’m saying this as a gay trans man.

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