Trading Post

This game has gone so soft. Who is deciding to put this stuff in? Make something cool and manly. Warlike.


it would be fun to see you saying “what about my tastes?” when they skew a month toward some more visceral and edgy themes for the trading post. if ever

You see I don’t really care about what goes on the TP as far as things fitting what I like. TP has always since the start been intended to be extras, fun things.

Also, I’d highly suggest you look into the history of TP.

I get what I want and move on.


yeah it was cool stuff for four months and then it jumped off a cliff. i think the last cool month was the reward for completing october 2023. the broom

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The art department and marketing based off trends and retention numbers. It’s a creative outlet. You should read the article from three years ago prior to the Trading Post releasing. It will always be a mix of both and a lot of creativity and fun things they can’t put into the normal game as it doesn’t fit story or lore.

There’s thousands of transmogs in this game. The months that have some or mostly different things don’t take away from that.

Yep. January’s Goblin month? I mostly ignored stuff from that month. It’s not my taste. February wasn’t much my taste either. I don’t really do hearts. Those sets collect dust in my collections, so I’m not buying weapons to go with them. I did like the Sweeper though. Until I got on it and realized my legs are all stiff and awkward. Oh well.

Know what I didn’t do? I didn’t run to the forums to act all offended or demeaning.

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I want to know who ever felt “tough” because they played World of Warcraft lol.

What on earth are you even saying


i am a very tough and scary blood elf.


I can see why you and i don’t get along. I was born in January :aquarius:

i just got back from the local car dealership and it was the same there. only a couple cars i actually liked. the rest of them didn’t appeal to me. total ripoff. why even have a car dealership??


I know. And to add insult to injury they expect me to pay exorbitant prices to own one. How can I collect all of my favorites if they won’t lower the prices?


But, I got mine at full price. You should have to buy it at the same price and not be catered to at a lower price! That would be unfair to all of us who put all the hard work forward with the full price :frowning:

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Not all Trading post is bad. I usually pick out anything with Asian theme to them. Clothing / mounts. I love anything with Asian culture.

So save your coin and wait for April; it’s not that big a deal

I wish TP has some old pvp gear. Some of the gear had some Samurai look to it. My Hunter looked amazing in a Samurai outfit .

Well…easy decision to save currency for a second month in a row.

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it’s actually pretty much a slap in the face. i explained it exactly like that. i’m a collector!

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My reaction is :

…does not care. I mean, seriously, its beyond fairy floss (aka cotton candy) content. It has no nutritional game value whatsoever. So…does not care.

I do. I need this.

They forgot St. Patrick’s Day is in March again. Missed opportunity for some appearances there imo.

I thought the Lunar Festival themed stuff was pretty cool for Monks. Goes well with the not Tier 2 sets. And we had the anniversary stuff in Feb, which had more cool stuff than I could buy. I’m not into butterfly stuff, but I had something from last month frozen I could buy and have some tender leftover for next month. ¯_(ツ)_/¯