Trading post won't get people to play

i’m saying relative to past expansions.

Well, I wanted to work toward earning it. If they hadn’t removed it from the vendor, just raising the gold would have kept me logging in throughout Shadowlands. I never cared about the AH vendor, I just wanted a sauropod mount.

However, Blizz removed it, and I barely touched Shadowlands. I mean, the reason I didn’t play SL was because it was a tedious expac, not because of the brutosaur. BUT, if I’d had some other reason to play (like raising gold for the mount) I would have pushed on through. Blizz cut off their own nose, in my opinion.

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What the heck does this mean?

I hope everyone who wants to use the trading post enjoys themselves, and everyone who wants to ignore it also enjoys themselves.

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It isn’t about seeing through it. It is painfully obvious what Blizzard is going for here and I 100% approve of how they are doing it. Instead of making all these neat little things store-exclusive stuff expecting to milk collectors dry, they’re tying it to ingame activities and letting you, the player, earn them. There is no power associated with the trading post. No life mythic raiding tryhards who only play this game to log and prog aren’t going to be needing to do split farms to try and game the system.

Just good old fashioned time + effort = rewards. We can save the pitchfork waving and our collective ire and fury for if/when they decide to upend the entire thing and just turn it all into a credit card bonanza.

it means i hope people are able to recognize when they’re being psychologically manipulated for profit. i’m talking about people that otherwise would quit if they weren’t being held captive by fomo, sunk cost, or a hoarding disorder.

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What are the mounting issues you’re talking about? Can you elaborate on that?

It died when the MMO market died, and the gaming world, apart from the niche fans of the genre, moved on to other things. You’re quite right that a game can be “dead”, in terms of the gaming community (no buzz, not favored by the community, looked down upon generally) and still have millions of players. WoW was once the golden boy of gaming, and that’s long gone – as far as the gaming world in general goes, WoW is “dead”, and has been for some time.

If the FTC’s attempt to block MSFT’s purchase fail, and MSFT ends up owning Blizzard, they’ll put the game on the game pass, and the population will increase, but they will also beef up the monetization aspects as well. It will transition into being a different property.

In fairness, it’s a 19-year old product at this point, which is ancient in the world of gaming. Anything that Acti-Blizz, MSFT, etc., makes on WoW for the remainder of its lifespan is pure gravy at this point, in terms of expected return on the product. So from the financial/shareholder perspective, WoW has not been dead, because it keeps pumping out returns, defying all reason and precedent in gaming history. So it’s very much alive from that perspective. But from the world of gamers – it was dead and buried long ago. The entire genre was, really.


Thank god, somebody with sense.

Yes, agreed, hence why they’re targeting gen Z, it’s obvious in the content with DF, and they’ve bred a new kind of consumer. They’re building wow to function like a ftp mmo, but with a subscription, so they can have their cake and eat it too. They’re breeding the worst kind of consumer. The subscription made sense up until they started blatantly using the store to make up for bleeding subs, and yes absolutely, from somebody who played since BC, the game is a shadow of it’s former self, and newer players have no point of reference to even base this current retail experience on. No, classic is not the same experience those expansion were in the early 2000’s.


Lmao…its a video game. Its all about ‘tricks’ to get people to play.
And yeah… a lot of us WILL play more to get the stuff on the trading post.
Speak for yourself next time, no one else.

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except other games already have this sort of concept floating around in the game.
I can buy stuff with crowns in ESO, for example.
just stop dude…if you dont like the flipping game…then quit. Its easy to do. Dont try to drag anyone else down with you

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Not all of them are like this though. Yea, a lot today are predatory, but a lot of games on my Switch don’t addict me. They’re more like older game experiences were you play and move on to the next game.


They dont even really give new players a full sense of the story anymore starting them in BfA, and locking them out of chromie time doesnt give them the option so its just meh for new players as well


I mean, yea, it’s just the new blizzard seal of quality that looks more like trash. Most of these attempts by blizz are half baked nonsense that doesn’t work. That’s why retention drops like a brick after the first few months.

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Thats why I said the greatness was lost and so was the sense of adventure. I do think the trading post is a good adittion since we have to deal with what the game has become but I definitely agree with you about the state of the game

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Oh, I can see it now. We’re talking months until new currency can be gained, unless they add a way to buy currency, which I’m 99% sure they will. It’s just another tactic to make you play longer. I don’t see it offering anything other than mostly doing the same things again and again.

Oh its definitely going to be a checklist of things we’ve done a thousand times and will do a thousand more, but adding that added reason to do it entertains the brain and makes you feel like you have a reason to be doing it yet again

and that’s the great trick. I judge games based on my fun factor. Am I having fun playing this. Not will I be slightly happy at the end of playing this for 100’s of hours because I get a goody. It’s all in the skinner box experiments, I keep saying.

One study found that by releasing food pebbles to a mouse by the mouse pushing a lever, they could at first not have a pebble come out, and the mouse would still push the lever, then they experimented with slight electrocution, or punishment, and the mouse still would push the lever so long as once in a while it got the pebble. Sound familiar?

Yeah Im still waiting for the shocks to stop and the pebble to drop lol. Im hoping they add the Garrosh shoulders to the trading post so I can stop wasting my life away chasing those

As long as its not a hassle. If its not fun(ish). Well.

Well, maybe one day you can cut out of chasing those shoulders to maybe do something that you enjoy.