Trading post won't get people to play

So we are dealing with zombie wow now?!
Well guess you gotta aim for the head now…

Dang we are talking about some crazy Jesus level undying stuff here. Anyone who says wow isn’t a religion can eat a carrot and two walnuts now.

People are grossly over estimating how many people care about that stupid mount.

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It’s something else, that’s casual friendly, to do for those who don’t intend to stop playing. Don’t see how this is a bad thing. I mean it’s rather laughable to complain over being given more to choose from to do in a game.

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I would much rather gear and balancing issues be fixed for bellow 59 first but wooooooo random crap!!! I am so happy that Antique shops are now in WoW!!! WOooooo

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…my guy I was talking about op. Not you.

Also I’m gay and trans

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Why is it only a problem when blizzard does it? Other mmos give their subscribers a monthly stipend of their store currency, blizzard is just late to the game (as usual) when it comes to things like this. Having extra incentives to keep your subscribers subscribed when the content runs out, and it will always run out at some point, is just being sensible.

Dear Lunkel,

We are 46 days (or 1 month 16 days) into a new MMORPG, and the only new content that is coming out is a vendor. Don’t you see this as an issue? You paid like $80 plus $15 per month for this game, and you’ll get a vendor. Just food for thought.

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Did you not see the roadmap? They already laid out the plan for content updates.

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I cant believe Im actually going to defend blizz but in this case I think they are doing a better job this time around. Sure the end game stuff could be better and it looks like they are working on it and have plans laid out. But more things to do that arent related to endgame are good as well. A lot of people really dont care about mythics or raiding and just want to do their thing, be it mount or transmog farming or countless other ways of enjoying their time and the trading post is a good addition for them.

You are on to something here. Because you do not need DF to use an update located in Org or Stormwind!

When are they going to release the sales numbers? After yet another pay to play scheme like this one?


If WoW were dead, there wouldn’t be any more content updates. No more expansions. WoW would be in the same boat as HotS. There is no profit in working on a dead game.

What in the tinfoil nonsense did you just say?

Metaphorically a dead game, that was my point. The game is a shadow of it’s former self. It’s pathetic. All the things that made wow good are gone. Now, you have a company that ignores it’s playerbase, and a bunch of drones that protect it’s every move.


Its definitely lost the greatness it once had. It used to be an adventure, now its a race to cap then mainly dungeon spam and thats about it. More stuff aside from the endless endgame gear grind is nice

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lol, it’s not adding content, it’s just recycling old content. because they know they’re not producing enough new content to keep people subbed.


LOL OP couldn’t be more wrong. The trading post is going to keep people busy month to month earning their monthly currency and keeping an eye on what is coming up next in the rotation to make sure they get the things they want. If anything the trading post is going to retain people who may unsub after meeting whatever arbitrary goals they set for a patch/season simply to not miss out on currency from the activities.

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i guarantee they had a team of consumerism psychologists come up with this feature. it absolutely nails the draws of FOMO, nostalgia, hoarding, and sunk cost. i hope the playerbase is smart enough to see through it.


I enjoy WoW now more than when I did in TBC or Wrath which were considered the height of the game. The allied races, the new classes, mythic+ dungeons, they all made the game better in my eyes. On top of all of that, they made classic for all the old fuddy duddies that dislike all the things I mentioned. WoW is quite old, I doubt it will ever hit the same numbers it did in wrath, but it is far from dead.

If you dislike the “dead” game so much, why are you here?

I should add that I simply like the game and the fate of Blizzard has no impact on my finances.


The game is what you make it. It’s still an adventure if you want it to be, or it can be a race to the cap and dungeon spam if you want that.

Name an mmo that releases content fast enough to always keep their playerbase satisfied.

Like what, exactly?

By giving them an expansion full of things they asked for?

You’re the other side of that blizzard drone coin.