Trading post won't get people to play

You don’t do this anyways bloody. So it doesn’t matter what they add.

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I run a guild with a lot of like minded people so I can at least make the transmog runs fun :slight_smile:

I don’t find too many issues with dragonflight. I am not a serious wow player, I won’t raid or do high M+ keys or anything serious.

I stick with pet battles, farming storms, and other non serious content. I am enjoying DF very much since I have a progression path that I can do it on my time.

This game becomes much more fun if you stop keeping up with Jones’


The trading post is a bad idea but a necessary evil in a way. Since they already cater to players like you obviously based on your complaint, they need to add more things for people who do not give a :poop: about group content. This is 1 of those things albeit a very nasty and ugly thing, if anything this is actually against any casual player who would care to keep playing.

What they need to do is add more content for all play styles and actually let solo players be viable in their own way without having to ever rely on group content. They really need to ignore GD actively(good thing they mostly do this) because people here and their dismissive attitude is exactly why the game’s player base is dying. We keep being told to group up or quit and that’s just an entirely stupid mindset to even have.


It’s more like he’s been saying “people who feel the way I do will leave on mass” for over a year now, yet he has both bought Dragonflight, and continues to sustain a sub.

It’s the classic forum take of “My pet issue is the thing that’s single handedly going to kill the game”

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So essentially every business ever.

The store barely has anything in it.

I’ve been playing since vanilla and think you are dead wrong.

It’s like watching an A.I. chatbot talk to itself.

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Trading post should include actual gear and not transmog only. Then it will be worth it to us solo players especially.

Held captive? Hoarding disorder? This feels a tad hyperbolic.

It’s just a game. Why do you care if people play or not? You act like it’s some terrible thing if someone wants to while away their spare time playing WoW.

It’s. Just. A. Game.

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These people personalities have become “I don’t like wow so I have to keep paying blizzard to let everyone know they shouldn’t like wow”

Their whole life revolves around the fact they have nothing in life and they lost interest in wow so now no one can like it.

:point_up_2: Bingo!

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I dont dislike wow, I dont agree with all the decisions made to the game but I still enjoy it for what it is now. Its definitely lost a lot of the joy and depth it used to have but that doesnt mean I hate it or its a bad game

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Some posters in here take my post history personally.

Projecting much. Theres more than 2 people who agree on the motives for the TP. Is two people agreeing now only an artificial phenomenon?

No, youre just mad because we’re right.

The point of a post is usually to start a discussion and you will of course have people with differing opinions on both sides of the arguement

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That’s the point. They don’t want you to play. They want you to be subbed and come back every month. All they care about is that 15$ a month. That’s it.


That much is clear, because the game can’t retain players by its gameplay alone, its just not that fun, so they need to make rewards people will suffer through the gameplay to get.

First one is subjective and the second one is just an outright lie.

And it’s weird you felt the need to defend yourself against my post. I was talking about the mentally ill posters like ard and murdercarpet who don’t actually have anything outside of wow. Their life is spiraling because they don’t like wow.

My bad I thought you were talking about Athcaelas and I :slight_smile:

There’s no nefarious motivations outside of your own warped perspective. It’s literally an incentive program and multiple mmos have similar if not outright identical things in place.

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Pretty sure this a tos violation.