Trading post won't get people to play

Nah that was killercaitie

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Why do I care about getting more people to play? I’m already playing and this sounds like fun for me.

Considering the process of creating content for it, if it retains even 5% of the player base it’s probably got a good ROI.

It’s funny how ppl praise the moogle tomestone event in ff14 that only comes around the last month of a patch cycle to keep ppl playing, and the trading post is the same thing but permanent and the currency carries over yet some are bashing it

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FFXIV also has paid cosmetic DLC out the wazoo that everybody’s fine with but all the WoW players freaked out when they had to pay real money for a completely optional horse.

WoW players have to be mad about something at all times.

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The trading post brings back FOMO-content because it’s inaccessible data to the player base.

not every feature they introduce to the game is meant to be the grand savior for your personal pet peeves. They sometimes add things because they’re small and just fun. Transmog, mounts and toys are just fun. This is just fun. You need to learn how to just have fun man, stop being so angry over new stuff to do


nah bruh its great and i will play the heck out of it been waiting for something like this

Everything is alarm bells when you that’s all your looking to see dude.

“They are adding a patch with a zone and a raid, it’s just a band aid fix that won’t get ppl to play” - OPs logic

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Hmm? Most of the stuff is new, skins of old stuff or things that were never implemented in the first place.

I agree. Implement player housing and stop making raids.

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I see someone wasn’t pay attention to dates now…the Long Boi was removed 2020-10-13 The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is no longer sold by vendors and will now be occasionally available on the Black Market Auction House.

The first Stimulus checks to go out for the USA…was issued by December 31, 2020

The Long Boi was long gone from the vendor by over 2 months now…dates are important now.

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It’s in the official announcement. They will roll out the stuff over the cycles.

I actually like the term “acts up” because back in the day I was a member of ACT UP. Read your history. Does a body good.

If you chose to educate yourself, you’d know that the pattern you claim I’m seeking is a real-world phenomenon that has been well documented, not to mention the fact that it matches the real-world lived experiences of real LGBTQ people who have a real stake in whether they are represented or repressed in media.

Again, read something.

I’m not outraged, but it’s coming in some way, shape or form.

I am doubtful that is the area of the game that is broken and driving people away.

Mythic plus and raiding are always well taken care of but a huge number of players don’t play to do that content.

Ther aren’t any systems besides dragon riding….

Believe it or not, the goal of making numbers go up is not a universal priority. Not all content is going to be made specifically for you. And this is okay.

he is so mad that now brutosaur might be coming back that his fomo is spreading all over forums , honestly they are even bringing old xmogs that were not available for so many years , now i actually have hopes for it to be brought back even if its for 2 weeks like tyrael mount , i see this as an act of good faith , now lets just get the longboi back guys .

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