Trading post won't get people to play

I love when people make up scenarios in their head to be outraged about when they haven’t happened and have no evidence or implications they are going to.


Until everyone who wants one has it and we’re back to square one.

(I would argue that everyone who really wanted one already has it.)

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Or it was always planned and Blizzard realizing the age of WoW decided an incentive to make people log in is actual par for the course for most live service games?

Keep telling yourself that.

i dont think so either.

idc one bit about it. its like the nothing burger i can safely ignore heh. cosmetics without power… what am i a fashionista? im good thanks :wink:

as long as it makes some existing players happy i guess theres value there. it’s not for everyone tho.

And those obvious issues are?

So did new world, for a month.
It’s always Fotm new releases, but wow never died. It has always had a solid player base.


They know people are dropping in playtime since DF has zero real stay power [apart from the already addicted folks] and this is more of a [we’ll look better in the public’s eyes ] but also a [here is a hook to keep you coming back].

They’ve already ruined my playtime by ruining professions and gold making so I have no reason to come back but if I were to pick my poison or predatory practices, I’d rather choose the trading post but a little.

I’d rather they focus on fixing the current things and making them more rewarding. But I guess they are just going an easier route [their numbers, since we all know ion likes numbers] shows them that it’s the best return for them.

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I still think they shouldn’t have shutdown Wildstar. That game had so much potential

And keep telling yourself WoW is dying. Because if WoD and SL didnt kill it. Nothing will.


Lol, it is dead. You’re just playing on its corpse.

Yeah yeah people have been saying that since Cata as well. Find some new material.


Man its not everyday you run into somebody of the likes. “Wow will never die” lol, what are you 12. Wow died after the Activision aquisition.

Such a shame that Wrath of the Lich King was a dead expansion.


WoW will not die until the servers are closed down. Until then you have the choice of just enjoying it for what it is or moving on if you truly do not like it anymore.

Nah i have many more options than that.

Like endlessly complaining? There are probably more productive uses of your time.

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Im making money as we speek. What more production do you want?

Also my sub runs out in 10 days and i dont even want to log in anymore. So ill get my worth out of the forums.

Its so weird how the part of our brain that seeks out patterns acts up in cases like OPs post

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Ok then good luck where ever you find yourself. I’ll still be here enjoying my time in WoW.

Tell me rose, where you the same one that use to play a warlock that keep using the vile fumigator mask or was it someone else?