Trading post won't get people to play

Perfect time to rattle the cage.

Get us a new dev lead and make the game for everyone instead of E-sports.


Yes, Blizzard, I’ll play if you give me full BiS for all my classes and specs.

That’s … not how any of this works.

Personally I’d like lower-stakes group content, because the min-maxing try-hards make me tired just thinking about them.

But Blizzard is holding all the cards, they have all the actual user engagement data, and their devs and marketing teams already have their visions. A lot of doom saying from atop a digital milk crate in the town square isn’t going to move the needle.


I guess they just make less money then.

It’s completely optional content. You can just take your free currency or try to farm the extra 500. If you don’t care about cosmetics…just avoid. There is no FOMO as they already said they would cycle the same stuff over again ‘in case you missed it’.

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He quit shadowlands after continuous ranting

He’s the same as any other “I hate WoW” Andy’s but really they come back quietly

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The Trading Post is a nice addition to the game. However, I would rather see the developers spend more time fixing the horrible talent trees and game play for Retribution Paladin, Shadow Priest, and all of the Mage specializations.

i wouldnt mind having brutosaur for like a year of sub or something that be cool actually

Because Blizzard leadership reads the general forums for advice when making staffing changes.

Hey some furry, oh I’m sorry VULPERA [snicker] warrior player named Ardmccloud says Jim should be fired because of some vague loot reason…


doubling loot drops will halve the life of content.

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Jokes on you I’m already playing! Gimme that sweet mog Blizz!

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Fixed that a tad.

Same thing but my bet is it’ll be an in-game item you buy using a wowtoken.

Then they can still say you don’t have to use RL money to buy it, buy a wowtoken with gold and then buy the trade post currency.

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bring back brutosaur and monetary issues will be insta solved , many people will just swarm to tokens , hell make it only available for 2 weeks or something boom insta mega bump on token sales.

Is it obvious df has sub problems? It has problems, yes.

Not even hard to come up with scenarios like this right. Blizz execs must be laughing their way to the bank.

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Homie if something not being to everyones liking hurt sales this game would have been dead in vanilla. What a nonsense response.

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Naysayers being naysayers. Nothing unusual here. They’ve been claiming xyz mmo will kill wow for 18+ years. Since nothing is out right now, they have to nitpick new features.

FF14 did kill wow…briefly. But then wow rose again.

Dear OP,
The trading post has one sole purpose. And that purpose is to get people to log in and continue to log in (vs cancelling their sub when they are bored).

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