Absolutely not. I know you’re a genuinely good person and meant nothing by anything you said. Don’t ever second guess stating opinions that are opposite someone else. Don’t compromise your opinions to make others (myself included) happy.
There’s a lot of things said on these forums that I don’t agree with. I would never ask anyone to be quiet with their opinions.
I just think (my opinion…) comparing anything in the real world to what’s occurring in this game (or any other game) will always be a wrong comparison. They are two very different universes with very different values attached to what is earned / rewarded / bought and / or paid for.
IMO, it’s comparing apples and a '63 T-Bird.
The Naxx and ZG stuff was returned, but you had questlines to complete, you have to run the dungeons/raids to earn badges to buy recipes, etc, you need to have exalted rep, etc etc. There’s some thought process behind it.
I think something returning only to be “purchased” with the click of a button, is part of what set people off or just made it worse.
My personal take on things coming back, is the more the better. However, I fully believe there has to be a discussion about some of it (whether titles/cheeves/items/etc) and I genuinely believe there are things that should be off limits.
The Sylvanas mog that was datamined on the 10.2.5 PTR. It’s speculated it may come to the Trading Post. I’m sure my fellow Sylvanas loyalists are excited for this news! Regardless of how we obtain it, I’m so excited to be finally Sylvanas herself.
Gillvanas & Finduin Battle Pets. This is the only other thing I don’t have that is Sylvanas-related and I would like to see it included on the Trading Post I’m sure those who weren’t able to get it before would love to obtain it too.
Now, we can technically debate some of these cheeves actually being “earned” because yes, I am aware they can be bought / purchased unofficially, but at least Blizz clarified.
Tbh I don’t really care either way about things like that showing up on trading post but honestly a good compromise for people who are against it is maybe having new challenge events or something that if you complete you can earn it.
New trading post preview is up. https://www.wowhead.com/news/february-2024-trading-post-items-fur-endship-fox-mount-337478
Along with two VERY cheap items, totaling 110 tendies for both. https://www.wowhead.com/news/bonus-traders-tender-and-two-very-cheap-items-in-february-2024-337477
As cute as these items are, I can see myself keeping my tender expenses under 300 this month, and that’s IF I decide to buy the 2h sword. I don’t see myself cosplaying a magical girl anytime soon, so most (all) the items are lost on me.
I will squeeze a Kul’tiran man into the sailor moon mog when it comes out, and an Orc into the goth version of it, purely for the rage and confusion big burly men in thigh-highs provokes in Gamers.
All the cloak and over-the-shoulder pieces are mine, along with the dress.
The Sky Captain’s garb is delightful and I look forward to using pieces of that in RP.
My only criticism is the reward this month seems small compared to previous months (magical girl gear, mounts, etc.), but it can’t be a winner 100% of the time. The rest is solid and I’m glad they’re bringing back some things from last year so folks who missed the TP that month or didn’t have the tendies can grab them now.
For me, definitely the Parasol, Sky Captain stuff, any shoulder capes and any neck scarf things. I have all of those except the black one and wish I got that one, too, so hopefully it returns at some point.
Looking at a 550 debit to my currency. Shoulders, cloak, cloaks and hoods, tabard, warblade.
I might throw the sky captain set in the freezer to replace that Mad Max armor from this month. Don’t think I’m sold on the over-sized piece of goblin engineering gone wrong.
Although I am excited about a shark hat, I’ve finally accepted that the Trading Post is not working out how I had hoped.
I had long held out optimism that in addition to new flashy items, Blizz might see fit to open up their database vault of “Items never available to players” and start including a few really old items each month. It’s not happening and I am pretty disappointed.
I’ve also managed to save a backpack full of tender coins, since more often than not there is very little I am interested in purchasing off the Trading Post.
April continues that trend, which will see me buy a few items but still come away with more tender than I started the month with.
i think it would be cooler to readd ways to earn the old aotc mounts than to put them on the trading post but that’s just my unpopular opinion of liking to have things to work for.
i don’t think fomo is a good practice but i think it’s also good to make things players have to actually earn. attach them to timewalking heroic raids or make them rare drops or smth. plus then i have less to spend trader’s tender on.
i actually like having to run icecrown for invincible. it gives me something to hope for, a mini goal. if i don’t have goals in this game, what’s the point? goals = good. rewards for meeting those goals = good. that’s what mounts and pets should be for.
What’s the drive behind wanting the old stuff, out of interest? I can’t help but look at it as a bit graphically outdated, almost out of place in modern wow.