Trading post this month is awful. Why ruin the game?

WoW has a consistent theme and tries to be taken seriously?

You’re making less sense than Hildibrand.


The WATER GUN is the thing you choose specifically name? Dude, we’ve had a BUBBLE wand and a SNOW CANNON as toys for a while in game lol. Come on. I’m sure they’ll give us some grittier post stuff eventually.

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Yeti onesie called. It says “lul”.


Some of this stuff can be fun in limited amounts for limited holidays. A bit of fun flavor.

Leaning too heavily into this starts to overtake the general feel of the game to its detriment, I believe.

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yeah, what is this FF14? where’s the demon mogs or the void mogs? is barbie designing these mogs now? i swear, if i see one more butterfly mog being released


WOW has never been very serious. It is full of innuendo, popular culture references and jokes.

As GenX, I welcome the new trading post items each month. They are completely optional and not needed for “serious” gameplay.


What do you mean? It was very serious when Negatron attacked Area 52 and the Goblins in Black made you forget about it.

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it’s been mostly serious, cata, BC, legion, panda and dragonflight are just jokes no one gets

i feel like every post you make, is a disagreement (yes i have a crush on you edgy bouy)

I think its alright… the fish net thing is a little weird but I kinda like it.


i mean do i really have to link my post on other thread just like this? Sigh fine

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I’m not gonna sit here and say it can’t be serious. But any seriousness the game has is accompanied by an equal dose of goofiness.

Half the characters I play are now rocking the beachdad look, this month’s trading post owns


Disagree completely, I think this is one of the best months they have done so far. There is a place for both the serious, cool looking sets, and the fun, wacky looking sets. Swimwear wouldn’t even be that out of place, and the watergun is a fun, little addition. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. My only complaint is that I won’t have near enough tender for everything I want lol.

Edit: This is also what the Trading post was made for, was for sets like this that wouldn’t make much sense coming from other places, like raids or dungeons.


I don’t see the Nicki Minaj and Naruto sets yet so I disagree


you can think that, but i was hoping the trading post would offer unobtainables that would rotate randomly instead these ugly items ppl have forgotten about

I just dislike that everything is focused in the northern emisphere, christmas in winter, what the hell is that ?

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True, if it was actual swimwear and not some horribly overdone fancy thing that would actually be pretty awful to swim in.

That and the reverted old foot textures with the sandals. Ew.

I think it looks bad; just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

People have been saying that about us Gnomes since 2004, some have even wanted to “trade” Blood Elves to the Alliance since 2008, yet we are both still here.

tldr, don’t ruin other people’s fun.


Nothing on the TP isn’t something every single person, even free players can get. It’s supposed to be a side section of the game, a small reward for actually playing the game…not the goal entirely lol.