Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates

SO. I love the Trading Post. It’s awesome. Love you can get new mog pieces.

My issue right now though… I just CAN’T open the chest. Like at all. I have a couple hundred tendies waiting for me AND Ash’adar. Whenever I hover my mouse over it, it doesn’t give me the option to open it.


Some issues? Way to undersell the fact that your key feature for 10.0.5 isn’t working for a portion of the player base. I’m assuming you’re hoping that the weekly reset will fix the problem many of us (myself included) are experiencing regarding this KEY feature that we cannot interact with. Clown show stuff really.


I just completed my achievement for the month and did not receive the tender each time i reached a point on the gage for it AND I did not receive my mount from the chest.


My wife had the same issue when she completed the list last night. No additional tender and no mount even though the log now says she has completed all activities for the month.

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This is nearly as bad as the selfie cam patch in WoD. What a joke Blizzard has become

How about doing the job right to begin with? I mean what kind of folks are working at Blizzard? Job NEVER done right the first time. Always all kinds of bugs. Not once have I experienced any bugs at all on the other mmo I play. Not saying there never were any but Ive never dealt with one so they must be really rare and insignificant.


thank you for for letting us know. good luck with the fix. i look forward to receiving the mount when it’s ready.

In the Traveler’s Log it says to shift click to track tasks but it doesn’t add anything to the tracker. Is this a known issue? I’ve tried disabling all addons and no luck. Anyone else have this problem? I can’t find anything about it.

I had a similar issue. I completed the 1,000 travel log points, but when I opened the chest, I was only awarded 100 tenders and did not receive the mount. I am now getting the message that I have completed the month and cannot interact with the chest any more. Thanks!

Same here. Can’t get the trader tenders and mount…

I logged in tonight and still no currency in the chest and I cant access the chest. Like last night.

Just another bug to add to the massive list for DF.

Chest is not interactable despite pending Tenders and mount. +1

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Opened my chest after finishing log and got currency but no mount.

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Even better, got my bar to 1000, it said my reward was waiting at the Trading Post chest. No Mount, just 200 points. Logged off for 5 minutes, logged back in and it says I only have 800/1000 on the bar.

Missing 200 tendies(I think) and the mount. Chest completely unclickable since yesterday.

My housemate and I are having the issue attached below with the trading post. Wonder who else is:
I have earned 850 coins on the bar since yesterday, only show 25 when I click on vendor. Chest is not glowing or offering more coins. Ticket submitted to Blizz thorough game infrastructure.

I just want my mount. :frowning: Any updates on when it’ll get fixed so we can loot the mount?

Posting as I too have been hit. Just got my 25 raid bosses (nice), but all previous progress wiped out.
Not counting fishing, crafting or anything.
Yeah, not so great.

I also did not get the mount. I dont know whats going on with this company buy you guys are dropping the ball all over the place. So many bugs in this expac. Just yesterday in my key the game bugged at the bird boss in AA and the goals to start the encounter wouldnt spawn. We all had to suicide with quaking and come back to fix the issue. Still ended up timing it but were lucky that the quaking affix was up since you cant even jump off the platform to suicide. It just blows you right back up…and you cant move to any other area as the wind bridge that gets you there despawned.