Trading Post Issue and Fix Underway

Still cant loot chest, no mount, sort changed on currency.
when is this fix going live? im guessing Tuesday?

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Thank you for the reply, appreciate the update. It’s been very frustrating over the last several days but i am still very excited about the traders post and all that comes with it.

also did not get mount. sad panda

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Bro did you even read the post? They said its a bug thats gonna be fixed. I cant believe the community is like this :skull: gotta be 12 years old

Bro you cant be that much of a smooth brain :skull: cant wait a literal couple days for a fix before you throw an absolute tantrum and write a book on the forums about quitting.

Thats crazy :skull:

i’m missing the points and currency FYI

I’m aware, though this issue when going on for quite some time and we’ve had xxx amounts of maint all through last week. I thought this issue had been fixed, but it’s not. It’s a bit disappointing is all.

Are you serious right now… :angry:

Hey bro, people make mistakes in reading. Don’t act like you haven’t.
Seeing your further comments only shows you being the 12 year old here. Not anyone else. Go touch some grass kid.

Don’t waste your time with stupid replies. You’ve been put on ignore.


I fully agree. It’s very annoying to have issues like this. I’m confident they’ll either fix it, or come up with some compensation at the end of the month.

I hope they also FIX the Tracking problems. Once Untracked it SHOULD stay untracked. Not keep popping up on Every character even after you Untracked it more than once.

I completed my traveler’s log about 9 hours ago. I opened the Cache at the Trading Post and only received 400 tokens that’s it and nothing else. I am still extremely upset!

Ok. When I check travelers log after completing an activity it shows 900 points. When I check with the Vendor it shows 350 Tender and says I have unearned tender. Hope this is cleared up soon. I did post to the forum the day trader’s opened that 2 toons received the opening gift of tender. So, I am not upset.

So it just removed all things i had done in the past lost 250 points (not a huge deal) but i was almost done with a few other of the box’s. I just would like to know. Do i have to re-do all of those? Or is this a bug just visually and i’ll get this points back later?

Still no bags. No items. I can’t have this happen every time you fix something.

How about fix the issue where many of us are having all our bags deleted when we log into the game?

This issue started with your Trading Post patch, yet you are not saying anything about it. We have opened many tickets and it is all over this forum, yet all you guys care about is the trading post.

Please help us.

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Just for your info…still missing my Ash’adar. Every other transaction has gone fine.

I did not receive the Adh’adar mount either.

Kind of disappointed, so much bugs and things not working correctly.

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Whatever bug is at play here has been absolutely panic inducing at time, I finished off all my tasks and have been unable to loot any of my extra currency or the mount, and the achievement to finish 12 months of this shows no progress but the tracker says “You have collected all rewards for this month”. To add salt to the wound I just had my progress “wiped/reset” until I logged into and Alt (thankfully showing the restored progress for all my characters again), I thought I was going to have to go through the process of doing them all again, not a fun few minutes. I hope whatever the fix is gets implemented soon.

Bug got me too. Add another to the list.

Hit 1000, got the message, went to SW…all I got was 400 Tenders, no mount.

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Thanks again for allowing us to beta test your big content items on live. It allows me to feel like i’m helping develop things, not just paying for entertainment.