Trading Post Issue and Fix Underway

I did not receive the Adh’adar mount either. Help me pls. :frowning:

At least you guys finally said something about it. I didn’t get any of my 300 resources till now and I’m scared that if I keep progressing I’ll just lose it all

5 days and counting… Still no currency at all. This expansion is something else with all it’s issues. :sweat_smile:

At this point Blizzard should maybe start considering to give their players some form of compensation. Just saying.
Usually beta testers don’t have to pay for testing an unfinished product. :slight_smile:


In the same boat here as well, went to collect the rewards it said I had. All I got was the new currency and no mount.

hope you mean it’s fixed never being able to loot the chest from day one as well in this fix.

oh my god you are so bad how does this type of thing even go live? Blissard spends all this time developing something for it to not even work ugh so over this company i see why people unsub and go play LoL.

I see the previous " this week" assertion has come and gone…

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I’d be so embarrassed if I spent all this time developing a feature for it to not even work LMFAO Can’t wait for the Riot MMO.


I can only imagine that Blizzard has a very tight schedule after two bad expansions in a row. Resulting in a rather lackluster expansion full of bugs. And I don’t mean that as an excuse. It’s a really big company. A faster patch cycle requires more competent developers.
But letting players pay to be beta testers… I have no words for such a behavior…


Do not believe any thing was lost, yet many of us with this issue are also reporting that our progress resets for some reason or is only partially filled after showing filled. I can click shift j 2-3 different times and it’ll show 2-3 different progress levels. That’s also really annoying.

Hi Blizz - Stop releasing broken trash content.

Thanks for your understanding.


Glad to hear this is all a known issue. I completed my monthly progress, and went to check my cache, and only got 100 Tender, no mount, and nothing else. A far cry from all of the Trader’s Tender and Ash’adar rewards offered.

Looking forward to seeing this fixed and retro-applied to characters. Thanks for the update, Blizzard!

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Get outta here with that nonsense. You know perfectly well what I meant. This isn’t just bugged it’s not working at all. And for the record I regularly play plenty of other games made and maintained by studios with less than a tenth of Blizzard’s resources and manpower that play just fine and aren’t regularly riddled with bugs.

The only unrealistic expectation here is Blizzard expecting people to pay a monthly subscription for a game that has yet to release a single piece of content since the DF pre-patch that hasn’t been bugged.


I just completed it, got the 1k for the mount reward. Went to the trading post, opened the chest, got 400 monies and no mount. I exited the game as suggested by others, came back in, and now my progress bar is reset to 0/1000 (but quest entries on the tab show as complete). Loot chest unlootable, still no mount.

I didn’t know about this, my god! I literally haven’t logged in at all since the maintenance on Tuesday and I am glad I haven’t. This is beyond unacceptable!

I understand this happens when you have bad practices as a developer, yes. Because if you follow best practices, e.g. testing on alt environments that mirror production, things like this don’t happen. To me, this means their non-prod environments are too far removed from what the prod environment looks like, and that’s bad practice.


Thanks for the update!

Sad to see just a few running around with the new mount but lucky them!

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Oh no bro im on ignore you got me good :skull:

So now today, all the tender that I had in my Trader account is gone. Me thinks they are going in the wrong direction LOL

They are reporting that the actual back end of the game is keeping track, but the front end (your UI) might not be reporting it correctly. They are asking for patience for that part to be worked out /thumbsup

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