Trading post content are terrible

Black market auction house is made just for that.

“but stuff is too expensive QQ”

You literally make gold playing the game, no one will be happy.

It has potential, but my first impression isn’t all that great since the stuff isn’t to my taste.

I’m just waiting for that datamined siege kodo…

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Bro the hood and cape is fire


Oh no, that’s going to be 30 dollars USD sir.

people been complaining about the lack of pink armor items in game. pink has finally arrived. hehe

Agreed. The low fantasy pink items and tiny hammer just don’t do it for me.

All 12 of you will be happy then =)

Squeaky wheels are a minority.

I think it’s okay not the greatest, but I would like to see more mounts in the trade post. or some other things that are awesome.

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I like it, I don’t see the issue with it besides peoples personal issues.


piiiink, it was love at first sight. /steven tyler’s voice

ohhhhhh. hehe :innocent:

It’s just some cool fun side casual content. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I agree with you. The celestial steed mount is ugly as hell!.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

I mean, the Celestial Steed was the first mount offered on the Blizzard Store for real money, so the precedent is sort of there. I could definitely see gaskets blowing left and right over the crash of the RL value of those cards, though.

It’s funny all the people who hate every little thing blizzard does and cry that the game should end still play WoW and are here to complain each and every time. If something made me that unhappy, I would not be playing it, like at all. That’s what I don’t understand about the people that post here. I understand when you don’t like one or two things OK but when it’s every single thing they do, why are you still playing the game?

So far I like the trading post even though I already had the celestial steed mount, I didn’t finish the tasks to get the tiger mount yet, but this is better than wasting time waiting hours for a chance to one shot rares in the timeless isle or sha of anger to get old mounts and other things. I think the trading post is a good idea. I like the transmog, the pets and I look forward to what they have in the future. Yeah, you’re allowed to have your opinions, but that’s all they are are your opinions. It does not mean just because you think it’s bad, that it is actually bad. Not everyone thinks it’s garbage and hates it. A lot of people actually are enjoying it.



So people had some time to boast that they could have a virtual star pony for a while. Pretty sure that’s all that actually came out of the cash “value”.

But hey, times change.

Na, the ogre non-combat pet is very cool… but I don’t know if I want to ‘purchase’ it… I’d rather find it, or capture it.