Trading post content are terrible

I would wager you could probably fill the bar without leaving Orgrimmar.

It’s a side thing to do on the side when there’s nothing else to do on the side… and it comes with an HD colorchanging spectral tiger.

So it’s kind of hard to argue against that.

slap in da face

I did like the mounts I got and the cute purple “scarf” and hood too.
They were easy and quick to get and I have no complaints about it.

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By the void what is happening to forum characters

its almost as if the things that are showing right now are the ONLY ones that’ll ever be there


Honestly…i truly believed I was the biggest complainer on this forum, lmao.
Guess not.


How many of us actually asked for the Trading Post?

I imagine the ratio to people that are complaining about it is severely one-sided.

Don’t like it, don’t do it.

As with everything in WoW. Not everything is going to cater to your personal likes and whims.

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Was it massively hyped? I didn’t see any tv commercials for it.

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I must be missing a few hundred pages from my trading post. All I see is a few things Valentine ( love is in the air ) day took a crap on.


blizzard cursed me

oh the fist weapons from zg that would turn you into a bipedal upright buffed tiger.

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me too. hehe

yeah, rare or not, you’ll be seeing me riding around on that a whole lot. Note to developers, give us more color changing mounts, and Lion-O’s armor for transmog, complete with Eye of Thundera.


Makes sense, the Zandalari empire is too powerful so they had to nerf ya.

Then don’t participate in the trading post? You don’t have to.

Though I am working through it for the 1k currency mount and some of the mogs and of course - the little pet. It’s not that difficult (if still a little buggy).


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I think most of my 4000+ posts are me complaining about Blizzard an WoW in general and even I am mostly satisfied with the trading post lol

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my lightforged paladin looks identical to yours. i like the look. pink lasers go well with your eyes

Right?! They could have at least given us something epic like the Frostmourne Transmog or something instead of a pink cloak lol.

I just want a dyeable Space Marine armor analog.
All those pink cloaks want me to be an Emperor’s Children.

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All this downtime for some generic-looking xmogs. They were pushing the hype train for this garbage and it fell flat.